Stress on memory consolidation and retrieval in humans
Beckner, V.E., Tucker D.M., Delville Y., Mohr D.C. - 2006
Theta rhythm and REM sleep in hippocampal CA1 model
Booth, V., Poe G.R. - 2006
Learning and memory - Review
Aleksandrov, Yu.I. - 2006
Motor learning in humans
Hotermans, C., Peigneux P., Maertens de Noordhout A., Moonen G., Maquet P. - 2006
Synaptic plasticity and long-term memory consolidation - Review
Arshavsky, Y.I. - 2006
Mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade and memory - Review
Davis, S., Laroche S. - 2006
Sleep and memory - Review
Walker, M.P., Stickgold R. - 2006
Recall of mental sleep experience in humans
Cipolli, C., Fagioli I., Mazzetti M., Tuozzi G. - 2006
Memory consolidation - Review
Robertson, E.M., Cohen D.A. - 2006
Sleep and memory consolidation - Review
Ellenbogen, J.M., Payne J.D., Stickgold R. - 2006
Retention interval on consolidation learning in humans
Alvarado, A., Jara E., Vila J., Rosas J.M. - 2006
Perirhinal cortex inactivation on object recognition memory of the rat
Winters, B.D., Bussey T.J. - 2005
CA1 and CA3 inactivation on rat's fear conditioning memorization
Daumas, S., Halley H., Frances B., Lassalle J.-M. - 2005
Intra-medial prefrontal cortex muscimol and NMDA antagonist infusions on acquisition and consolidation od delay and trace eyeblink conditioning in rats
Takehara-Nishiuchi, K., Kawahara S., Kirino Y. - 2005
CA3 and CA1 inactivation on contextual fear conditioning encoding, consolidation and retrieval of mice
Daumas, S., Halley H., Frances B., Lassalle J.-M. - 2005
Brain β1-, β2- and β3-adrenoceptors in chick's avoidance consolidation
Gibbs, M.E., Summers R.J. - 2005
Inverted "U-shaped" dose-effects relationship in learning and memory - Review
Baldi, E., Bucherelli C. - 2005
Protein kinase C inhibitor into the amygdala and posterior parietal cortex on rat's passive avoidance
Bonini, J.S., Cammarota M., Kerr D.S., Bevilaqua L.R.M., Izquierdo I. - 2005
Protein synthesis during operant conditioning consolidation and reconsolidation in the rat's amygdala
Wang, S.-H., Ostlund S.B., Nader K., Balleine B.W. - 2005
Basolateral amygdala activity after aversive conditioning in cats
Pelletier, J.G., Lokhtik E., Filali M., Parè D. - 2005
c-fos activation in mother-young recognition in the lamb
Keller, M., Meurisse M., Levy F. - 2005
Nitric oxide in lateral amygdala on fear conditioning and long-term potentiation of rats
Schafe, G.E., Bauer E.P., Rosis S., Farb C.R., Rodrigues S.M., LeDoux J.E. - 2005
Effects of relaxin injection into the basolateral amygdala on passive avoidance of rats
Ma, S., Roozendaal B., Burazin T.C.D., Tregear G.W., McGaugh J.L., Gundlach A.L. - 2005
Neural mechanisms of reactivation and second order conditioning in rats
Tronel, S., Milekic M.H., Alberini C.M. - 2005
Amygdalar and accumbens dopaminergic activation during passive avoidance consolidation of rats
LaLumiere, R.T., Nawar E.M., McGaugh J.L. - 2005
Amygdala firing and old perseveration-consolidation hypothesis - Commentary
McGaugh, J.L. - 2005
Ketamine effects on memory consolidation and retrieval in mice
Wang, J.H., Fu Y., Wilson F.A.W., Ma Y.Y. - 2005
Systemic CB1 antagonist on elevated T-maze performance in mice
Takahashi, R.N., Pamplona F.A., Fernandes M.S. - 2005
Extracellular signal regulated kinase/mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation in long-term memory of crab's Pavlovian conditioning
Feld, M., Dimant B., Delorenzi A., Coso O., Romano A. - 2005
D1 antagonist on reconsolidation in day-old chicks
Sherry, J.M., Hale M.W., Crowe S.F. - 2005