Emotion and recollection memory in humans: event-related potential study
Mao, X., You Y., Li W., Guo C. - 2015
Fearful stimuli and emotional response in humans: event-related potential study
Hughes, G. - 2015
Hippocampal functional lateralization in pigeons
Jonckers, E., Gunturkun O., De Groof G., Van der Linden A., Bingman V.P. - 2015
Event-related potentials and emotional stimuli valence in humans
Zhao, M., Wang J., Han W. - 2015
Event-related potentials and emotional stimuli valence in humans
Liu, F., Cui L., Zhang Q. - 2015
Event-related potentials and emotional stimuli valence in humans
Wang, P., Pan Z., Liu X., Chen X. - 2015
Attention and implicit sequence learning in humans: event-related potential study
Peng, M., Cai M., Zhou R. - 2015
Motor exercise and attention on event-related potential response in humans
Bullock, T., Cecotti H., Giesbrecht B. - 2015
Repetitive auditory stimuli and operant response to visual stimuli in humans: magnetoencephalographic study
Yokota, Y., Naruse Y. - 2015
Thalamus cognitive function and aging - Review
Fama, R., Sullivan E.V. - 2015
Novelty, brain and behavior - Review
Schomaker, J., Meeter M. - 2015
Temporal lobe and emotion - Review
Monti, G., Meletti S. - 2015
Low intensity exercise and hypoxia on cognitive performance in humans
Kim, C.-H., Ryan E.J., Seo Y., Peacock C., Gunstad J., Muller M.D., Ridgel A.L., Glickman E.L. - 2015
Asymmetrical temporal pole role in face and name familiarity in humans
Ranieri, F., Ferraccioli M., Stampanoni Bassi M., Musumeci G., Di Lazzaro V., Gainotti G., Marra C. - 2015
Sensorimotor task event-related potential study in humans
Verleger, R., Seitz A., Yordanova J., Kolev V. - 2015
Unilateral frontal transcranial direct current stimulation on recognition/recall performance in humans of different age
Matzen, L.E., Trumbo M.C., Leach R.C., Leshikar E.D. - 2015
Event-related study in verbal processing of humans
Kuchinke, L., Fritsch N., Muller C.J. - 2015
Event-related potential hemispheric asymmetry and recognition memory in humans
Kuper, K., Zimmer H.D. - 2015
Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor and L-DOPA on motor behavior and striatal, nigral dopamine/serotonin expression of unilateral intra-medial forebrain bundle 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned and control rats
Czarnecka, A., Konieczny J., Lenda T., Lorenc-Koci E. - 2015
Oscillatory activity and spatial/temporal attention - Review
Frey, J.N., Ruhnau P., Weisz N. - 2015
Visual field and object location task in humans: event-related potential study
Grubert, A., Eimer M. - 2015
Reward evolution in humans: event-related potential study
Krigolson, O.E., Hassall C.D., Satel J., Klein R.M. - 2015
Brain activity during autobiographical memory retrieval in humans
Sheldon, S., Levine B. - 2015
Hippocampus-posterior, precuneus cortex connectivity and memory performance in humans
Touroutoglou, A., Andreano J.M., Barrett L.F., Dickerson B.C. - 2015
Asymmetrical hippocampal activation during episodic memory encoding and retrieval in humans
Persson, J., Soderlund H. - 2015
Brain activity and conditioned fear generalization in humans
Onat, S., Buchel C. - 2015
Emotional stimuloi and event-related potential response in humans
Nakajima, K., Minami T., Nakauchi S. - 2015
Brain activity and emotion habitual suppression in men and women
Che, X., Luo X., Tong D., Fitzgibbon B.M., Yang J. - 2015
D-cycloserine on cue-exposed-based extinction training in alcoholism detoxication and related brain activity changes in humans
Kiefer, F., Kirsch M., Bach P., Hoffmann S., Reinhard I., Jorde A., von der Goltz C., Spanagel R., Mann K., Loeber S., Vollstadt-Klein S. - 2015
Motor asymmetry and motor learning in rats
Budilin, S.Yu., Pletneva E.V., Ioffe M.E., Arsen'ev G.N. - 2015