Hypothermia and anterograde amnesia in rats
Richardson, R., Riccio D.C. - 1983
Active and passive avoidance task in rats: go-nogo condition
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Hypothermia-induced amnesia for newly acquired and old reactivated memories in rats
Mactutus, C.F., Ferek J.M., George C.A., Riccio D.C. - 1982
"State-dependent": discriminative stimulus property of drugs - Review
Jarbe, T.U.C., Swedberg M.D.B. - 1982
Passive avoidance pentobarbital drug dissociation in rats
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Growth hormone on appetitive Y-maze task in mice
Hoddes, E.S. - 1979
State-dependent learning by atropine like drugs in rats
Overton, D.A. - 1966