Parabrachial nucleus projections to the amygdala in rats
Jhamandas, J.H., Petrov T., Harris K.H., Vu T., Krukoff T.L. - 1996
Gustatory cortex, amygdala and parabrachial nucleus in conditioned taste aversion in rats
Bielavska, E., Roldan G. - 1996
Protein kinase C in parabrachial nucleus and conditioned taste aversion in rats
Krivanek, J. - 1996
Parabrachial nucleus, amygdala and gustatory cortex lesions and conditioned taste aversion in rats
Yamamoto, T., Fujimoto Y., Shimura T., Sakai N. - 1995
Parabrachial nucleus lesions on conditioned atste aversion and sodium appetite in rats
Scalera, C., Spector A.C., Norgren R. - 1995
c-Fos induction in parabrachial nucleus and nucleus of the solitary tract in conditioned taste aversion in rats
Swank, M.W., Schafe G.E., Bernstein I.L. - 1995
Parabrachial nuclei and conditioned taste aversion - tetrodotoxin inactivation in rats
Bielavska, E., Bures J. - 1994
Projections from the nucleus of the solitary tract to amygdala and parabrachial nucleus in rats
Jia, H.G., Rao Z.R., Shi J.W. - 1994
Neural substrates for conditioned taste aversion in the rat - Review
Yamamoto, T., Shimura T., Sako N., Yasoshima Y., Sakai N. - 1994
Polymixin B injection into parabrachial nucleus prevents conditioned taste aversion acquisition in rats
Bielavska, E., Krivanek J. - 1994
Lateral parabrachial lesions disrupt conditioned taste aversion induced by electrical stimulation of the area postrema in rats
Aguero, A., Arnedo M., Gallo M., Puerto A. - 1993
Parabrachial nucleus lesions on conditioned atste aversion and aversive motivational reactions in rats
Bechara, A., Martin G.M., Pridgar A., Van Der Kooy D. - 1993
Lateral parabrachial nucleus and taste aversion in the rat
Aguero, A., Arnedo M., Gallo M., Puerto A. - 1993
Parabrachial nucleus lesions and taste aversion and learning in rats
Reilly, S., Grigson P.S., Norgren R. - 1993
Peptides in parabrachial nucleus modulate visceral input to the thalamus in rats
Saleh, T.M., Cechetto D.F. - 1993
Protein kinase C in parabrachial nucleus and conditioned taste aversion in rats
Krivanek, J. - 1993
Tetrodotoxin, parabrachial nuclei, amnesia, passive avoidance in rats
Tassoni, G., Bucherelli C., Bures J. - 1992
Tetrodotoxin in parabrachial nuclei on passive avoidance in rats - footshock intensity
Bucherelli, C., Tassoni G. - 1992
Tetrodotoxin in parabrachial nuclei on retrograde amnesia of passive avoidance in rats
Bucherelli, C., Tassoni G. - 1992
Tetrodotoxin in parabrachial nuclei and amygdala on passive avoidance in rats
Bucherelli, C., Tassoni G., Bures J. - 1992
Engram activation and consolidated memory traces tetrodotoxin amnesia in rats
Bucherelli, C., Tassoni G. - 1992
Amygdala, parabrachial nuclei, insular cortex, caudate nucleus, hippocampus, frontal cortex tetrodotoxin inactivation on passive avoidance in rats
Tassoni, G., Bucherelli C., Bures J. - 1992
Lateralized contributions of cerebral cortex, amygdala and parabrachial nuclei on acquisition, consolidation and retrieval of passive avoidance in rats
Tassoni, G., Bucherelli C., Bures J. - 1992
Parabrachial gustatory lesions impair conditioned taste aversion in rats
Spector, A.C., Norgren R., Grill H.J. - 1992
Tetrodotoxin, parabrachial nuclei, amnesia, passive avoidance in rats
Tassoni, G., Bucherelli C., Bures J. - 1991
Tetrodotoxin in nucleus parabrachialis on passive avoidance amnesia in rats
Tassoni, G., Bucherelli C., Bures J. - 1991
Brainstem mechanism of conditioned taste avresion in the rat
Bures, J., Buresova O., Ivanova S.F. - 1991
Spreading depression and parabrachial nuclei inactivation on conditioned taste aversion acquisition in rats; lateralization study
Gallo, M., Bures J. - 1991
Tetrodotoxin into the parabrachial nuclei on conditioned taste aversion in rats
Ivanova, S.F., Bures J. - 1990
Corticofugal influence on taste responses in the parabrachial nuclei of the rat
Di Lorenzo, P.M. - 1990