Dorsal pressure and duration of tonic immobility and catalepsy in rats
Meyer, M.E. - 1990
Dorsal pressure and immobility on locomotor activity in rats
Meyer, M.E. - 1990
Undernutrition and handling on avoidance and escape reaction in rats
Rocha, J.B.T., Vendite D. - 1990
Handling habituation and brain serotonin levels in rats
Boix, F., Teruel A.F., Escorihuela R.M., Tobena A. - 1990
Handling on immune function in mice
Moynihan, J., Brenner G., Koota D., Breneman S., Cohen N., Ader R. - 1990
Hippocampal moradrenaline and serotonin release and sleep, activity and handling in rats
Kalen, P., Rosegren E., Lindvall O., Bjorklund A. - 1989
Conditioned inhibition and discrimination by handling in rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Giachetti A., Tassoni G. - 1989
Immobility reflex by clamping and vestibular stimulation in rats
De la Cruz, F., Junquera J. - 1989
Attenuation of defensive threat and attack by benzodiazepines in rats
Blanchard, D.C., Hori K., Rodgers R.J., Hendrie C.A., Blanchard R.J. - 1989
Pre-handling on open field ambulation in hypertensive rats
Van den Buuse, M., de Jong W. - 1988
Inhibition of exploration by handling in rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Giachetti A., Tassoni G. - 1988
Tail and back handling on exploration in rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Giachetti A., Tassoni G. - 1988
Handling habituation on passive avoidance nd exploration in rats
Fernandez-Teruel, A., Boix F., Tobena A. - 1988
Isolation and handling on hyperactivity and hypoalgesia in rats
Gentsch, C., Lichtsteiner M., Frischknecht H.-R., Feer H., Siegfried B. - 1988
5-HT1A agonists on spontanous aversive behavior in rats
Blanchard, D.C., Rodgers R.J., Hendrie C.A., Hori K. - 1988
Olfactory bulbectomy, passive avoidance, sex differentces, handling, mouse killing and open field activity
Thorne, B.M., Rowles J.S. - 1988
Handling and anxiolytic action of benzodiazepines in rats
Boix, F., Fernandez Teruel A., Tobena A. - 1988
Emotional hypertermia as anticipatory anxiety in mice
Borsini F., Lecci A., Meli A. - 1988
Emotional hyperthermia as anticipatory anxiety in mice
Lecci, A., Borsini F., Meli A. - 1988
Emotional hyperthermia as anticipatory anxiety in mice
Borsini, F., Lecci A., Meli A. - 1988
Early handling on open field behavior in rats
Meinrath, A.B., Flaherty C.F. - 1987
Inhibition of exploration by handling in rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Giachetti A., Tassoni G. - 1987
Inhibition of exploration by handling in rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Giachetti A., Tassoni G. - 1987
Early handling on male and female extinction in operant food or shock reinforcement
Weimer, I., Halevy G., Alroy G., Feldon J. - 1987
Early handling on extinction/punishment effects in male and female rats
Weiner, I., Halevy G., Alroy G., Feldon J. - 1987
Post-natal handling novelty-induced fear in rats
Bodnoff, S.R., Suranyi-Cadotte B., Quirion R., Meaney M. - 1987
Thyroid hormones and hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors in rats: early handling and stress response
Meaney M.J., Aitken D.H., Sapolsky R.M. - 1987
Early handling and latent inhibition in conditioned suppression paradigm of rats
Weiner, I., Feldon J., Ziv-Harris D. - 1987
Central norepinephrine and plasma corticosterone following stress in mice: social isolation and handling
Irwin, J., Ahluwalia P., Zacharko R.M., Anisman H. - 1986
Feeding neophobia: effects of handling and different environments in rats
Holson, R.R. - 1986