Chronic stress on spatial memory in rats
Bellani, R., Luecken L.J., Conrad C.D. - 2006
Early-life stress on behavior and neurosteroids levels in hypothalamus and entorhinal cortex of rats
Avital, A., Ram E., Maayan R., Weizman A., Richter-Levin G. - 2006
5,7-DHT dorsal raphe lesions on response to stress, exploration and memory in rats
Lieben, C.K.J., Steinbusch H.W.M., Blokland A. - 2006
Neonatal infection on fear conditioning and exploration in adult rats
Bilbo, S.D., Rudy J.W., Watkins L.R., Maier S.T. - 2006
Persistent effects of motherhood and gestational stress on hippocampal plasticity, spontaneous and conditioned behaviors in female rats
Lemaire, V., Billard J.-M., Dutar P., George O., Piazza P.V., Epelbaum J., Le Moal M., Mayo W. - 2006
Anxiety and chronic stress on hippocampal c-fos expression in male and female mice
McQuade, J.M.S., Tamashiro K.L.K., Wood G.E., Herman J.P., McEwenm B.S., Sakai R.R., Zhang J., Xu M. - 2006
Neonatal anoxia and novelty exposure on hippocampal plasticity, conditioned and spontaneous behaviors in adult rats
Akers, K.G., Nakazawa M., Romeo R.D., Connor J.A., McEwen B.S., Tang A.C. - 2006
Hippocampal glucocorticoid and mineral corticoid receptors on emotional exploration and spatial learning of rats
Herrero, A.I., Sandi C., Venero C. - 2006
Intracerebroventricular nociceptin/orphanin peptide on exploration and conditioned defensive burying in rats
Vitale, G., Arletti R., Ruggieri V., Cifani C., Massi M. - 2006
Spontaneous and conditioned behaviors of D-aspartate oxidase mutant mice
Weil, Z.M., Huang A.S., Beigneux A., Kim P.M., Molliver M.E., Blackshaw S., Young S.G., Nelson R.J., Snyder S.H. - 2006
D2 modulation of corticosterone impairment of passive avoidance retrieval in rats
Pakdel, R., Rashidy-Pour A. - 2006
Prenatal dexamethasone on startle reflex prepulse inhibition and latent inhibition in active avoidance of rats
Hauser, J., Feldon J., Pryce C.R. - 2006
Hippocampal neurogenesis and passive avoidance in day-old chicks
Nikolakopoulou, A.M., Dermon C.R., Panagis L., Pavlidis M., Stewart M.G. - 2006
Leptin, glucocorticoids and endocannabinoids on hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus excitability of rats
Malcher-Lopes, R., Di S., Marcheselli V.S., Weng F.-J., Stuart C.T., Bazan N.G., Tasker J.G. - 2006
Stress on G-protein β subunit and protein kinase A-extracellular signal-regulated kinase phosphorylation in the rat brain
Lee, S.Y., Kang J.S., Song G.Y., Myung C.-S. - 2006
Genetic influences on predator-odor stress effects on plasma corticosterone levels and nocicpetion in male and female rats
Vendruscolo, L.F., Muniz Vendruscolo J.C., Terenina-Rigaldie E., Raba F., Ramos A., Naoto Takahashi R., Mormede P. - 2006
D-amphetamine on cortisol levels and aggressive behavior in humans
White, T.L., Grover V.K., de Wit H. - 2006
Fear and stress on spatial learning, plasma corteicosterone and hippocampal brain derived neurotrophic factor and CREB in mice
Song, I., Che W., Min-wei W., Murakami Y., Matsumoto K. - 2006
Neurogenesis, spatial navigation and hippocampal function in rats of different age
Manikandan, S., Padma M.K., Srikumar R., Parthasarathy N.J., Muthuvel A., Devi R.S. - 2006
Sleep deprivation on hippocampal excitability, plasma corticosterone and spatial learning in rats
Tartar, J.L., Ward C.P., McKenna J.T., Thakkar M., Arrigoni E., McCarley R.W., Brown R.E., Strecker R.E. - 2006
Pre-retrieval intra-hippocampal anisomycin on systemic pre-retention corticosterone Morris water maze deficit in rats
Sajadi, A.A., Samaei S.A., Rashidy-Pour A. - 2006
Morris water maze training and hippocampal neurogenesis in rats
Mohapel, P., Mindt-Peteresen K., Brundin P., Frielingsdorf H. - 2006
Serotonin turn-over in hippocampus and forntal cortex by stress in rats
Storey, J.D., Robertson D.A.F., Beattie J.E., Reid C.I., Mitchell S.N., Balfour D.J.K. - 2006
Stress, hormones, learning and plasticity - Review
Shors, T.J. - 2006
Sex differences in fear conditioning acquisition/extinction and related stress of humans
Zorawski, M., Blanding N.Q., Kuhn C.M., LaBar K.S. - 2006
Glucocorticoids on phobic fear in humans
Soravia, L.M., Heinrichs M., Aerni A., Maroni C., Schelling G., Ehlert U., Roozendaal B., de Quervain D.J.-F. - 2006
Post-reactivation corticosterone on fear conditioning memory in mice
Cai, W.-H., Blundell J., Han J., Greene R.W., Powell C.M. - 2006
Antidepressants and stress on hippocampal neurogenesis in rats
Chen, H., Pandey G.N., Dwivedi Y. - 2006
Glucocorticoid and stress effect on hippocampal excitability of rats
Krugers, H.J., Goltstein P.M., van der Linden S., Joels M. - 2006
Prednisone on mood and declarative memory in humans
Brown, E.S., Beard L., Frol A.B., Rush A.J. - 2006