Muscarinic and β-adrenergic blockade on place learning and passive avoidance in rats
Decker, M.W., Grill T.M., McGaugh J.L. - 1990
Plasma catecholamine and coricosterone and active and passive avoidance in rats
De Boer, S.F., Slangen J.L., Van Der Gugten J. - 1990
Amines in aged rats brain: spatial learning decliny
Gallagher, M., Burwell R.D., Kodsi M.H., McKinney M., Southerland S., Vella-Rountree L., Lewis M.H. - 1990
Amphetamine and β-endorphine fragments on maze performance in rats
de Boer, S., Bohus B. - 1990
D-amphetamine on T-multiple maze learning in rats
Janicke, U.-A, Janicke B., Schulze G., Coper H. - 1990
Coeruleo-cortical noradrenergic lesion on attention in rats
Selden, N.R.W., Robbins T.W., Everitt B.J. - 1990
Noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP4 on active avoidance in rats
Bennett, M.C., Kaleta-Michaels S., Arnold M., McGaugh J.L. - 1980
Short-term memory in operant conditioning in the rat: cholinergic and adrenergic systems
Dunnett, S.B., Martel F.L. - 1990
Dorsal noradrenergic bundle on spatial learning, locomotor activity and neophobia in rats
Valjakka, A., Riekkinen P.Jr., Sirvio J., Nieminen S., Airaksinen M., Miettinen R., Riekkinen P. - 1990
Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone on avoidance conditioning in rats: catecholamines interaction
Nasello, A.S., Bydlowski C.R., Felicio L.F. - 1990
Passive avoidance memory consolidation of weak training in rats: vasopressin, noradrenaline and ACTH effects
Crowe, S.F., Ng K.T., Gibbs M.E. - 1990
Serotonergic system and psychosocial stress in male rats
Korte, S.M., Smit J., Bouws G.A.H., Koolhaas J.M., Bohus B. - 1990
Intra-amygdala post-training norepinephrine and peripheral epinephrine on memory storage in rats
Liang, K.C., McGaugh J.L., Yao H.Y. - 1990
Intra-amygdala post-training norepinephrine and peripheral epinephrine on memory storage in rats
Liang, K.C., McGaugh J.L., Yao H.Y. - 1990
Calcium calmodulin kinase II on glutamate and noradrenaline release in rats
Nichols, R.A., Sihra T.S., Czernik A.J., Nairn A.C., Greengard P. - 1990
DSP-4-induced brain norepinephrine depletion on exploration in mice
Berridge, C.W., Dunn A.J. - 1990
Noradrenergic and cholinergic blockade on complex maze performance in rats
Spangler, E.L., Wenk G.L., Chachich M.E., Smith K., Ingram D.K. - 1990
Amygdala and neuromodulatory influences on memory storage - Review
McGaugh, J.L., Introini-Collison I.B., Nagahara A.H., Cahill L., Brioni J.D., Castellano C. - 1990
Neural mechanism of declarative memory consolidation and retrieval - Review
Cai, Z.J. - 1990
Dissociating learning and performance: drugs and hormones on memory storage - Review
McGaugh, J.L. - 1989
Stress in passive avoidance in streptozotocin diabetic rats: cerebral catecholamines
Bellush, L.L., Rowland N.E. - 1989
ACTH, vasopressin, epinephrine post-training administration on extinction of passive avoidance in rats
Izquierdo, I., Pereira M.E. - 1989
Epinephrine and memory: age differences - Review
Gold, P.E. - 1989
Spontaneous alternation and scopolamine, d-amphetamine, apomorphine effects in mice
McFarland, D.J. - 1989
Cysteamine and cysteine on open-field behavior and brain noradrenaline in rats
Vecsei, L., Ekman R., Alling C., Widerlov E. - 1989
Adrenocortical activity, brain monoamines and aggressiveness in rats
Naumenko, E.V., Popova N.K., Nikulina E.M., Dygalo N.N., Shishkina G.T., Borodin P.M., Markel A.L. - 1989
Hippocampal moradrenaline and serotonin release and sleep, activity and handling in rats
Kalen, P., Rosegren E., Lindvall O., Bjorklund A. - 1989
Angiotensin II on grooming and exploration in rats
Georgiev, V., Opitz M. - 1989
amphetamine-induced locomotor stereotypy in open-field in rats
Mueller, K., Kunko P.M., Whiteside D., Haskett C. - 1989
Hormonal and neuromodulatory systems in memory storage - Review
McGaugh, J.L. - 1989
New statistic to measure locomotor stereotypy
Mueller, K., Hollingsworth E.M., Cross D.R. - 1989