Human medial temporal lobe and visual discrimination task
Lech, R.K., Suchan B. - 2014
Prefrontal activity during working memory in humans: D2 receptor activation effects
Gelao, B., Fazio L., Selvaggi P., Di Giorgio A., Taurisano P., Quarto T., Romano R., Porcelli A., Mancini M., Masellis R., Ursini G., De Simeis G., Caforio G., Ferranti L., Lo Bianco L., Rampino A., Todarello O., Popolizio T., Blasi G., Bertolino A. - 2014
Neural mechanisms of forgetting - Review
Anderson, M.C., Hanslmayr S. - 2014
Brain activity and decision making in humans
Wang, J.X., Voss J.L. - 2014
Cortical activity during goal-directed behavior in humans: brain imaging study
Dixon, M.L., Fox K.C.R., Christoff K. - 2014
Novelty on brain activity during spatial navigation of humans
Kaplan, R., Horner A.J., Bandettini P.A., Doeller C.F., Burgess N. - 2014
Brain activity during spatial cue encoding and retrieval in humans
Wegman, J., Tyborowska A., Janzen G. - 2014
Hippocampal 5-HT1A receptor role in reaward and punishment processing of humans
Faulkner, P., Selvaraj S., Pine A., Howes O.D., Roiserf J.P. - 2014
Developing hippocampal-neocorticalo reorganization in children and adults
Qin, S., Cho S., Chen T., Rosenberg-Lee M., Geary D.C., Menon V. - 2014
Brain activity and attention/emotion in humans
Maki-Marttunen, V., Pickard N., Solbakk A.-K., Ogawa K.H., Knight R.T., Hartikainen K.M. - 2014
Neural bases of episodic memory retrieval in humans
Leiker, E.K., Johnson J.D. - 2014
Social behavior and prefrontal activity in humans: hemodynamic response study
Pu, S., Nakagome K., Yamada T., Yokoyama K., Matsumura H., Mitani H., Adachi A., Kaneko K. - 2014
Ventral striatal activity and operant conditioning in humans
FitzGerald, T.H.B., Schwartenbeck P., Dolan R.J. - 2014
Medial temporal lobe activity and recognition memory in monkeys
Miyamoto, K., Adachi Y., Osada T., Watanabe T., Kimura H.M., Setsuie R., Miyashita Y. - 2014
Cortical and striatal activity during decision making in humans
Schouppe, N., Demanet J., Boehler C.N., Ridderinkhof K.R., Notebaert W. - 2014
Brain activity during reactivation in humans
Bridge, D.J., Voss J.L. - 2014
Cortical activity and memory reactivation in young and old humans
St-Laurent, M., Abdi H., Bondad A., Buchsbaum B.R. - 2014
Hippocampal-cortical connecions and memory in humans
Voets, N.L., Zamboni G., Stokes M.G., Carpenter K., Stacey R., Adcock J.E. - 2014
Cortical activity and Pavlovian conditioning in humans
Pooresmaeili, A., FitzGerald T.H.B., Bach D.R., Toelch U., Ostendorf F., Dolan R.J. - 2014
Green tea extract on parieto-frontal connectivity and working memory in humans
Schmidt, A., Hammann F., Wolnerhanssen B., Meyer-Gerspach A.C., Drewe J., Beglinger C., Borgwardt S. - 2014
Brain functional connectivity and memory in humans
Matura, S., Prvulovic D., Butz M., Hartmann D., Sepanski B., Linnemann, Oertel-Knochel V., Karakaya T., Fuβer F., Pantel J., van de Ven - 2014
Hippocampal functional connectivity and spatial orientation in humans
Iaria, G., Arnold A.E.G.F., Burles F., Liu I., Slone E., Barclay S., Bech-Hansen T.N., Levy R.M. - 2014
Brain activation and visceral pain-related fear conditioning, extinction and reinstatement in humans
Gramsch, C., Kattoor J., Icenhour A., Forsting M., Schedlowski M., Gizewski E.R., Elsenbruch S. - 2014
Associative versus source recognition in humans: brain imaging study
Park, H., Abellanoza C., Schaeffer J.D. - 2014
Brain processing and social comparison - Review
Kedia, G., Mussweiler T., Linden D.E.J. - 2014
Spatial working memory in humans: brain imaging study
Gutierrez-Garralda, J.M., Hernandez-Castillo C.R., Barrios F.A., Pasaye E.H., Fernandez-Ruiz J. - 2014
Cerebral blood flow during cognitive task in humans - Technique
Li, M., Huang H., Boninger M.L., Sejdic E. - 2014
"Repetition suppression" in humans: brain imaging study
Grotheer, M., Kovacs G. - 2014
Auditory-verbal short-term memory in humans: brain imaging study
Kalm, K., Norris D. - 2014
Brain activity and decision making in humans
Sestieri, C., Tosoni A., Mignogna V., McAvoy M.P., Shulman G.L., Corbetta M., Romani G.L. - 2014