Vasopressin in medial hypothalamic preoptic area and exploration in hamsters
Ferris, C.F., Albers H.E., Wesolowski S.M., Goldman B.D., Luman S.E. - 1984
REM sleep deprivation on response to stress, exploratory activity and hypothalamic self-stimulation in rats
Kovalzon, V.M., Tsibulsky V.L. - 1984
Suprachiamsatic nuclei and feeding behavior in rats
Stephan, F.K. - 1984
Suprachiasmatic nucleus and preoptic medial area on circadian rhythms and sexual behavior in hamsters
Eskes, G.A. - 1984
Septal, medial accumbal and medial hypothalamic lesions in rats: handling and hyperdefensiveness
Albert, D.J., Walsh M.L., Longley W. - 1984
Electrolytic and ibotenate lesions of lateral hypothalamus
Winn, P., Tarbuck A., Dunnett S.B. - 1984
Vasopressin analogues on corticotropin-releasing factor activity in rats
Fischman, A.J., Moldow R.L. - 1984
Hypothalamic, pituitary and ovarian vasopressin expression in Brattleboro and control rats
Lim, A.T.W., Lolait S.J., Barlow J.W., Autelitano D.J., Toh B.H., Boublik J., Abraham J., Johnston C.I., Funder J.W. - 1984
Vasopressin and body temperature - Review
Veale, W.L., Cooper K.E., Ruwe W.D. - 1984
Hypothalamic stimulation as unconditioned stimulus in rats
Schmitt, P., Karli P. - 1984
Hypothalamic stimulation and emotional stress in rats
Vagin, Yu.E., Koplik E.V., Veydaev D.F. - 1984
Circadian rhythms, sovrachiasmatic nuclei, serotonin and vasopressin - Review
Groos, G., Mason R., Meijer J. - 1983
Hypothalamic norepinephrine in hypertensive mice
Schlager, G., Freeman R. - 1983
Circadian rhytms and brain norepinephrine in rats
Kafka, M.S., Wirz-Justice A., Naber D., Moore R.Y., Benedito M.A. - 1983
Intracerebroventricular octapamine on hypothalamic dopamine and norepinephrine and active avoidance in Roman high- and low-avoidance rats
Delacour, J., Coulon J.F., David J.C., Guenaire C. - 1983
4-Hydroxy amphetamine on avoidance and brain norepinephrine/dopamine in rats
Martinez, J.L., Ishikawa K., Liang K.C., Jensen R.A., Bennett C., Sternberg D.B., McGaugh J.L. - 1983
Regional brain glucose utilization in hepatic encephalopathy rat model
Mans, A.M., Biebuyck, J.F., Davis D.W., Bryan R.M., Hawkins R.A. - 1983
Hepatic encephalopathy on locomotion, exploration and brain 5-HT metabolism in rats
Martin, J.R., Dedek J., Driscoll P. - 1983
Brain lesions on learning and memory - Review
Thompson, R. - 1983
Brain lesions on dark-light box active avoidance in rats
Thompson, R., Gallardo K., Yu J. - 1983
Brain vasopressin expression after passive avoidance training in rats
Laczi, F., Gaffori O., DeKloet E.R., DeWied D. - 1983
Suprachiasmatic nuclei lesions on food intake and circadian rhythms in rats
Saito, M., Ibuka N. - 1983
Suprachiamsatic nucleus lesions on circadian activity in rats
Mori, T., Nagai K., Nakagawa H. - 1983
Brain serotonin depletion on resistance to punishment in rats
Davis, N.M., Gray J.A. - 1983
CCK in the central nervous system - Review
Beinfeld, M.C. - 1983
Suprachiasmatic hypothalamic nuclei and circadian oscillations - Review
Moore, R.Y. - 1983
Hypothalamic neuropeptides - Review
Galoyan, A., Srapionian R. - 1983
Circadian timing system in Mammals - Review
Moore-Ede, M.C. - 1983
Neuroendocrinology and brain peptides - Review
Cooper, P.E., Martin J.B. - 1982
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in Brattleboro rats
Buckingham, J.C. - 1982