Maudsley rat strain in noradrenergic-cholinergic interaction in cognitive function
Sara, S.J., Devauges V., Biegon A., Blizard D.A. - 1994
Imipramine on exploration, locomtion and food-water intake in rats
Mogensen, J., Pedersen T.K., Holm S. - 1994
Monoamino oxydase B inhibitor selegiline and age-related memory decline in mice
Stoll, S., Hafner U., Pohl O., Muller W.E. - 1994
Stress and psychoactive drugs on performance of a novel water maze task in rats
Kant, G.J. - 1993
Dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems on thirst regulation in rats
Zabik, J.E., Sprague J.E., Odio M. - 1993
Noradrenergic and cholinergic modulation of memory storage in the amygdala in rats
Dalmaz, C., Introini-Collison I.B., McGaugh J.L. - 1993
Noradrenergic and cholinergic modulation of memory storage in the amygdala in rats
Dalmaz, C., Introini-Collison I.B., McGaugh J.L. - 1993
Noradrenergic and cholinergic modulation of memory storage in the amygdala in rats
Dalmaz, C., Introini-Collison I.B., McGaugh J.L. - 1993
Nucleus of the solitary tract inactivation on epinephrine memory modulation in rats
Williams, C.L., McGaugh J.L. - 1993
Post-training epinephrine effect on active avoidance consolidation in the rat
Costa-Miserachs, D., Portell-Cortes I., Aldavert-Vera L., Torras-Garcia M., Morgado-Bernal I. - 1993
Amygdala in neuromodulatory systems and memory storage - Review
McGaugh, J.L., Introini-Collison I.B., Cahill L.F., Castellano C., Dalmaz C., Parent M.B., Williams C.L. - 1993
Cocaine enhances retention of active avoidance in rats
Janak, P.H., Keppel G., Martinez J.L. Jr. - 1992
NMDA, GABA, norepinephrine, acetylcholine receptors involved in post-training memory processing into amygdala, medial septum and hippocampus of the rat
Izquierdo, I., Da Cunha C., Rosat R., Jerusalinsky D., Ferreira M.B.C., Medina J.H. - 1992
Various psychotropic drugs impair rat's avoidance
Rodriguez, R. - 1992
Stress in birds due to routine handling
Le Maho, Y., Karmann H., Briot D., Handrich Y., Robin J.P., Mioskowski E., Cherel Y., Farni J. - 1992
Post-training adrenergic system involvement in avoidance of mice
Introini-Collison, I.B., Saghafi D., Novack G.D., McGaugh J.L. - 1992
Yohimbine and idazoxan on motor behavior and copulatory activity in male rats
Bowes, M.P., Peters R.H., Kernan W.J. Jr., Hopper D.L. - 1992
State-dependent retention with α2-blocking xylazine in passive avoidance of rats
Morgan, R.E., Riccio D.C. - 1992
Noradrenergic DSP-4 depletion on memory impairment by nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions in rats
Moran, P.M., LeMaitre M.H., Philouze V., Reymann J.M., Allain H., Leonard B.E. - 1992
Adrenergic and dopaminergic systems on modulation of memory trace, GABA influence and latent inhibition in rats
Ilyutchenok, R.Y., Loskutova L.V., Finkelberg A.L., Dubrovina N.I. - 1992
Catecholamines on water intake in rats
Russek, M., Soto-Mora L.M., Uriostegui T., Racotta R. - 1991
Extinction on conditioned stimulus and sensitization to amphetamine in rats
Stewart, J., Vezina P. - 1991
Post-trial amphetamine on representation of memory in rats
Strupp, B.J., Bunsey M., Levitsky D., Kesler M. - 1991
Retrieval enhancement by locus coeruleus stimulation in rats: β-adrenergic receptors
Devauges, V., Sara S.J. - 1991
Neuromodulatory influences in remembering - Commentary
Sara, S.J. - 1991
Forebrain noradrenaline concentration and inhibitory avoidance learning in chicks
Crowe, S.F., Ng K.T., Gibbs M.E. - 1991
Central amygdala lesions on cardiovascular, neuroendocrine and behavioral responses to footshock in rats
Roozendaal, B., Koolhaas J.M., Bohus B. - 1991
Amygdala and memory enhancing effects of β-adrenergic agonist in rats
Introini-Collison, I.B., Miyazaki B., McGaugh J.L. - 1991
Behavioral and biochemical variations in Wistar rats
Cools, A.R., Brachten R., Heeren D., Willemen A., Ellenbroek B. - 1990
Distinct memory modulation after first and second sessions of avoidance tasks in rats: ACTH, epinephrine and naloxone role
Netto, C.A., Maltchik M. - 1990
Methylphenidate-ritalin on exploration of spontaneously hypertensive rats
Wultz, B., Sagvolden T., Moser E.I., Moser M.B. - 1990
Central catecholamines, locomotion and avoidance following hypoxia in rats
Speiser, Z., Amitzi-Zonder J., Ashkenazi R., Gitter S., Cohen S. - 1990