Hypothalamic nuclei on inhibition of feeding by serotonin
Leibowitz, S.F., Weiss G.F., Suh J.S. - 1990
Suprachiasmatic nuclei lesions on food entrained rhythms in rats
Ruis, J.F., Talamini L.M., Buys J.P., Rietveld W.J. - 1989
Attack and grooming behavior by hypothalamic stimulation in rats
Lammers, J.H.C.M., van der Noordaa J., Kruk M.R., Meelis W., van der Poel G.M. - 1989
Nerve growth factor mRNA in the hypothalamus on aggressive behavior in mice
Spillantini, M.G., Aloe L., Alleva E., De Simone R., Guederí M., Levi-Montalcini R. - 1989
Hypothalamic adenosinergic system and vigilance
Sarda, N., Cespuglio R., Gharib A., Reynard D. - 1989
Neurophysiology of the suprachiasmatic circadian pacemaker - Review
Meijer, J.H., Rietveld W.J. - 1989
6-hydroxydopamine in dorsal noradrenergic bundle on discrimination in rats
Salmon, P., Tsaltas E., Gray J.A. - 1988
Paraventricular and suprachiasmatic nuclei lesions on vasopressin levels in rats
Jolkkonen, J., Tuomisto L., van Wimersma Greidanus Tj.B., Riekkinen P.J. - 1988
Ventromedial hypothalamus and cerebellum lesions on freezing, attack and defense behaviors in the rat
Supple, W.F., Cranney J., Leaton R.N. - 1988
Individual housing on circadian hypothalamic serotonin and corticosterone in rats
Greco, A.M., Gambardella P., Sticchi R., D'Aponte D., Di Renzo G., De Franciscis P. - 1988
Suprachiasmatic injection of vasopressin antagonist and circadian rhythm of food intake in rats
Reghunandanan, R., Badgaiyan R.D., Marya R.K., Maini B.K. - 1987
Hypothalamus and amygdala stimulation on movements in rats
Hernandez-Mesa, N., Aneiros-Riba R., Arza M., Elosegui H., Macias R. - 1986
Ventromedial hypothalamus or amygdala lesions effect on drinking under naloxone or MIF-1 in rats
Olson, G.A., Pignatiello M.F., Kastin A.J., Geiger B.F., Olson R.D. - 1986
Wheel-running activity and ventrolateral hypothalamus lesions in rats
Blake, D.J., Gladferlter W.E. - 1986
Ibotenate lesions of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in the rat
Herman, J.P., Wiegand S.J. - 1986
Alcohol on hypothalamic conditioned self-stimulation in rats
De Witte, P.H., Gewiss M. - 1986
Circadian rhythms and their mechanisms - Review
Minors, D.S., Waterhouse J.M. - 1986
Intra-hypothalamic 6-hydroxydopamine on feeding, locomotor activity and hypothermia in rats: propranolol and haloperidol effects
Willis, G.L., Smith G.C. - 1985
Angiotensin II, vasopressin and oxytocin iontophoresis in rats anterior hypothalamus
Thornton, S.N., Jeulin A., De Beaurepaire R., Nicolaidis S. - 1985
Hypothalamic nucleus medianus lesions on plasmatic vasopressin and oxytocin in rats
Gardiner, T.W., Verbalis J.G., Stricker E.M. - 1985
Hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and sleep in rats
Piepenbrock, N., Valatx J. L., Malquarti V., Jouvet M. - 1985
Electrolytic and ibotenate lesions in lateral hypothalamus in rats
Markowska, A., Bakke H.K., Wailther B., Ursin H. - 1985
Neurotoxic aminoacid lesions of the lateral hypothalamus in rats
Hastings, M.H., Winn P., Dunnett S.B. - 1985
Intra-hypothalamic vasopressin antagonist on "flank-marking" behavior in hamsters
Ferris, C.F., Pollock J., Albers H.E., and Leeman S.E. - 1985
Hypothalamic neuron firing and stress in rats
Vedyaev, D.F., Velichkina S.V. - 1985
Circadian rhythms generators - Review
Jacklet, J.W. - 1985
Circadian neural rhythms in mammals
Turek, F.W. - 1985
Ontogenetic development of noradrenergic innervation of supraoptic nucleus in Brattleboro rats
Sladek, J.R. Jr., Fields J., Phelps C.J., Khachaturian H. - 1984
Stress on cognition - Review
Kidman, A. - 1984
Adrenal vasopressin contents in Brattleboro and control rats
Nussey, S.S., Ang V.T.Y., Jenkins J.S., Chowdrey H.S., Bisset G.W. - 1984