Animal hypnosis, pain and opioid system - Review
Carli, G. - 1978
Circadian sleep and locomotor activity in mice
Mitler, M.M., Lund R., Sokolove P.G., Pittendrigh C.S., Dement W.C. - 1977
Hepatic encephalopathy on sleeping behavior in rats
Beaubernard, C., Salomon F., Grange D., Bismuth H. - 1977
Vasopressin on memory consolidation - Review
De Wied, D., Van Wimersma Greidanus B.Tj., Bohus B., Urban I., Gispen W.H. - 1976
Hypophysectomy and sleep - Review
Valatx, J.L., Chouvet G., Jouvet M. - 1975
Circadian sleep, feeding, drinking and locomotion in rats - Methods
Borbely, A.A., Huston J.P., Waser P.G. - 1975
Rhythmic oscillations and animal behavior - Review
Rusak, B., Zucker I. - 1975
Neurophysiological and behavioral responses related to animal hypnosis - Commentary
Carli, G. - 1975
Monoaminergic systems and sleep states - Commentary
Morgane, P.J., Stern W.C. - 1973
Circadian activity in Mammals - Review
Ashby, K.R. - 1972
Environmental luminance and REM sleep in rats
Fishman, R., Roffwarg H.P. - 1972
Circadian feeding and drinking on sleep in rats
Mouret, J.R., Bobillier P. - 1971
Atropine on passive avoidance acquisition, retrieval and extinction in rats
Buresova, O., Bures J., Bohdanecky Z., Weiss T. - 1964