Fornix lesions on active and passive avoidance in rats
Castro, J., Hall T.W. - 1975
Entorhinal input on hippocampal conditioning firing in rats
Segal, M. - 1975
Hepatic encephalopathy on brain serotonin in rats
Curzon, G., Kantamaneni B.D., Fernando J.C., Woods M.S., Cavanagh J.B. - 1975
Homeostatic behavior in man and rat - Review
Garcia, J., Haskins W.G., Rusiniak K.W. - 1974
Amygdala projections to entorhinal cortex in cats
Krettek, J.E., Price J.L. - 1974
"Maze memory system" in white rat - Review
Thompson, R. - 1974
Hippocampal lesions on escape and avoidance in rats
Haggbloom, S.J., Brunner R.L., Bayer S.A. - 1974
Hippocampal and cortical lesions on brightness operant discrimination in rats
Bauer, R.H. - 1974
Hippocampus and frontal cortex on social behavior in cats
Nonneman, A.J., Kolb B.E. - 1974
Hippocampus and contextual information retrieval - Review
Hirsh, R. - 1974
Uridine-5-monophosphate and orotic acid hyppocampal incorporation and learning in rats
Pohle, W., Matthies H. - 1974
Hippocampal projections to the septal area in gerbils, rats, rabbits and cats
Siegel, A., Edinger H., Ohgami S. - 1974
Hippocampal and caudate lesions on avoidance in mice
Glick, S.D., Greenstein S. - 1973
Fimbria-fornix lesions on avoidance in rats
Alvarez-Pelaez, R. - 1973
Striato-pallidal system, lateral hypothalamus and consummatory behavior in rats
Levine, M.S., Schwartzbaum J.S. - 1973
Conditioned responses in limbic telencephalic system of the rat
Segal, M. - 1973
Orotic acid on long-term memory: hippocampal and cortical application in rats
Ott, T., Matthies H. - 1973
Septal projections to the rat's hippocampus
Mosko, S., Lynch G., Cotman C.W. - 1973
Fimbria-fornix and entorhinal cortex on rat's passive and active avoidance
Van Hoesen, G.W., Wilson L.M., MacDougall J.M., Mitchell J.C. - 1972
Hippocampal lesions on predator response in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C. - 1972
Intrahippocampal potassium chloride on lick conditioned suppression and plasma corticosterone in rats
Auerbach, P., Carlton P.L. - 1971
Limbic system lesions and approach-avoidance task in rats
Fried, P.A. - 1971
Hippocampal lesions and avoidance in rats
Lovely, R.H., Grossen N.E., Moot S.A., Bauer R.H., Peterson J.J. - 1971
Hippocampal efferents to entorhinal cortex in rats
Hjorth-Simonsen, A. - 1971
Hippocampal lesions on footshock dependent avoidance, locomotion/exploration and agression in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C., Fial R.A. - 1970
Hippocampal and septal lesions on passive avoidance acquisition and retention in rats
Wishart, T., Mogenson G. - 1970
Frontal and hippocampal lesions on brightness discrimination operant acquisition and extinction in rats
Kimble, D.P., Kimble R.J. - 1970
Septal and dorsal hippocampal lesions on spontaneous alternation in rats
Dalland, T. - 1970
Hippocampal and septal lesions on passive avoidance and spatila learning extinction in rats
Winocur, G., Mills J.A. - 1969
Hippocampal and cortical lesions on conditioned stimulus pre-exposure in active avoidance acquisition and extinction of rats
Ackil, J.E., Mellgren R.L., Halgren C., Frommer G.P. - 1969