Stress on hippocampal long-term potentiation in rats
Foy, M.R., Stanton M.E., Levine S., Thompson R.F. - 1987
Thyroid hormones and hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors in rats: early handling and stress response
Meaney M.J., Aitken D.H., Sapolsky R.M. - 1987
3H-fucose incorporation in rat hippocampus after long-term potentiation
Pohle, W., Acosta L., Ruthrich H., Krug M., Matthies H. - 1987
Hippocampal functions - Commentary - Review
Bures, J., Buresova O., Bolhuis J.J. - 1987
Protein synthesis and long-term potentiation in rats
Deadwyler, S.A., Dunwiddie T., Lynch G. - 1987
Projections from septum and diagonal band to the hippocampus in rats
Nyakas, C., Luiten P.G., Spencer D.G., Traber J. - 1987
Hippocampal cholinergic system involvement in open field and avoidance in rats
Bailey, E.L., Overstreet D.H., Crocker A.D. - 1986
Amphetamine, hippocampal and cortical lesions on classical conditioning in rats
Port, R.L., Mikhail A.A., Patterson M.M. - 1986
Hippocampal lesions and human amnesia
Zola-Morgan, S., Squire L.R., Amaral D.G. - 1986
Rearing in enriched environment ondentate gyrus transmission in rats
Green, E.J., Greenough W.T. - 1986
Glycoprotein fucosylation in rat hippocampus and passive avoidance response memory
Jork, R., Grecksch G., Matthies H. - 1986
Vasopressin in hippocampus and dorsal raphe nuclei on passive avoidance in rats
Kovacs, G.L., Veldhuis H.D., Versteeg D.H.G., De Wied D. - 1986
Hippocampus on spatial and non spatial working memory in rats
Aggleton, J.P., Hunt P.R., Rawlins J.N.P. - 1986
Hippocampal lesions and operant conditioning in rats
Sinden, J.D., Rawlins J.N.P., Gray J.A., Jarrard L.E. - 1986
Fimbria-fornix lesions and learning and reversal discrimination in rats
Fagan, A.M., Olton D.S. - 1986
Cortical and hippocampal lesions in rats: effects on spatial and working memory
Morris R.G.M., Hagan J.J., Rawlins J.N. - 1986
Ischemic hippocampal damage on working memory in rats
Davis, H.P., Tribuna J., Pulsinelli W.A., Volpe B.T. - 1986
Retrograde and anterograde amnesia by entorhinal cortex lesions in rats
Staubli, U., Fraser D., Kessler M., Lynch G. - 1986
Hippocampal kindling on spatial memory in rats
Da Silva, F.A.L., Gorter J.A., Wadman W.J. - 1986
Place navigation impairment and long-term potentiation blockade by NMDA antagonist AP5 in rats
Morris, R.G.M., Anderson E., Lynch G.S., Baudry M. - 1986
Rat strain differences in hippocampal self-stimulation
Robertson, A., Campbell C., Milner P.M., Laferriere A. - 1986
Projections from the subiculum and hippocampus to the entorhinal cortex in rats
Finch, D., Wong E.E., Derian E.L., Babb T.L. - 1986
Memory and hippocampus - Review
Teyler, T.J., DiScenna P. - 1986
Mnemonic theories of hippocampal function - Commentary
Olton, D.S., Wible C.G., Shapiro M.L. - 1986
Animal memory - Review
Macphail, E.M. - 1986
Anatomy of the hippocampal formation - Review
Witter, M.P. - 1986
Medial septal modulation of hippocampal theta cells in rabbits
Bland, S.K., Bland B.H. - 1986
Hippocampal long-term potentiation induction in rats
Larson, J., Lynch G. - 1986
Long-term potentiation and excitatory post-synaptic potentials in rat hippocampus
Sastry, B.R., Goh J.W., Auyeung A. - 1986
Physostigmine and dorsal hippocampus stimulation on memory in mice
Micheau, J., Destrade C., Jaffard R. - 1985