Pavlovian aversive conditioning in rats
Jacobs, W.J., Lo Lordo V.M. - 1980
Feeding schedules and circadian behavior in rats
Boulos, Z., Rosenwasser A.M., Terman M. - 1980
Stimulus modality and short-term memory in operant conditioning of rats
Wallace, J., Steinert P.A., Scobie S.R., Spear N.E. - 1983
Autoshaped and operant behavior in pigeons
Bushnell, M.C., Weiss S.J. - 1980
Meal size and intermeal interval on schedule-induced water intake in rats
Rosellini, R.A., Burdette D.R. - 1980
Light-dark circadian rhythms and hypothalamic self-stimulation in rats
Terman, J.S., Terman M. - 1980
Photoperiod on circadian feeding in male and female rats
Hoor, F.T., Rietveld W.J., Kooij M., Flory W. - 1980
Circadian food avalaibility and photoperiod in rats
Kersten, A., Strubbe J.H., Spiteri N.J. - 1980
Circadian feeding and drinking in rats
Greenwood, K., Armstrong S., Coleman G. - 1980
Food and water deprivation in rats
Armstrong, S., Coleman G., Singer G. - 1980
Circadian nesting and wheel running in mice
Possidente, B., Hegmann J.P., O'Rourke S., Birnbaum S. - 1979
Eating and running as reinforcement in rats
Timberlake, W., Wozny M. - 1979
Suprachiasmatic nuclei involvement in circadian activity of rats
Boulos, Z., Terman M. - 1979
Hippocampal and cortical lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Winocur, G. - 1979
CCK, gastrin, secretin and gastric inhibitory polypeptide on feeding in rats
Lorenz, D.N., Kreielsheimer G., Smith G.P. - 1979
Inhibitory effects of omission training in operant conditioning of rats
Neven, J.A., Michaud R., Keefe S., Scharff J. - 1979
Concurrent ratio schedules in operant conditioning of rats
Rider, D.P. - 1979
Schedule control of eating by fixed-time water presentation in rats
Wetherington, C.L., Brownstein A.J. - 1979
Schedule-induced drinking on schedule-controlling feeding in rats
Keehn, J.D., Riusech R. - 1979
Choice-test on obtaining pellets freely or by bar-pressing in rats
Tarte, R.D., Rasmussen C.T. - 1979
Preference for fixed over variable access to food in pigeons
Menlove, R.L., Inden H.M., Madden E.G. - 1979
Restricted access to water and schedule-induced polydipsia in rats
Rosellini, R.A. - 1979
Operant conditioning suppression and attention in rats
Dickinson, A., Mackintosh N.J. - 1979
Circadian feeding and sleep in rats
Danguir, J., Nicolaidis S., Gerard H. - 1979
Temporal control of eating on periodic water schedules in rats
Myerson, J., Cristiansen B. - 1979
Drinking and grooming as a function of body weight in rats
Roper, T.J., Nieto J. - 1979
Conditioned taste aversion on schedule-induced polydipsia in rats
Riley, A.L., Lotter E.C., Kulkosky P.J. - 1979
Fixed time schedule and body weight on ethanol self-administration in rats
Oei, T.P.S., Singer G. - 1979
Unescapable shock and avoidance response in rats
Jackson, R.L., Maier S.F., Rapaport P.M. - 1978
Context and conditioned stimulus value on operant conditioning extinction and reinstatement in rats
Welker, R.L., McAuley K. - 1978