Place cells and spatial memory - Review
Moser, E.I., Paulsen O. - 2001
Hippocampal activity patterns during immediate post-behavior in spatial task: difference of age in rats
Gerrard, J.L., Kudrimoti H., McNaughton B.L., Barnes C.A. - 2001
Sleep and cortical plasticity - Review
Sengpiel, F. - 2001
Fear conditioning and REM sleep in rats
Sanford, L.D., Silvestri A.J., Ross R.J., Morrison A.R. - 2001
Orexin-A in basal forebrain on sleep in rats
Thakkar, M.M., Ramesh V., Strecker R.E., McCarley R.W. - 2001
Sleep and neural plasticity - Review
Tononi, G., Cirelli C. - 2001
Sleep, learning and dreams
Stickgold, R., Hobson J.A., Fosse R., Fosse M. - 2001
Sleep for memory systems
Peigneux, P., Laureys S., Delbeuck X., Maquet P. - 2001
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis firing during waking and sleep - Review
Szymusiak, R., Alam N., McGinty D. - 2000
Memory trace reactivation in hippocampal and neocortical neurons - Review
Sutherland, G.R., McNaughton B. - 2000
Pituitary adenylyl ciclase-activating polypeptide into pontine reticular formation on REM sleep in the rat
Ahnaou, A., Basille M., Gonzales B., Vaudry H., Hamon M., Adrien J., Bourgin P. - 1999
Cerebroventricular admnistration of arachidonic acid on sleep, locomotor activity and passive avoidance in rats
Murillo-Rodriguez, E., Sanchez-Alavez M., Navarro L., Martinez-Gonzalez D., Drucker-Colin R., Prospero-Garcia O. - 1998
Central amygdala lesions on aggressive behavior in cats
Zagrodzka, J., Hedberg C.E., Mann G.L., Morrison A.R. - 1998
Conditioned stimulus presentation of fear conditioning during paradoxical sleep: amygdala and medial geniculate nucleus activity in rats
Hennevin, E., Maho C., Hars B. - 1998
Sleep states, memory processes and synaptic plasticity
Smith, C. - 1996
Glucose attenuation of atropine-induced deficit in REM sleep and memory in the rat
Stone, W.S., Rudd R.J., Gold P.E. - 1995
Long-term potentiation and active avoidance - alert wakefulness and REM sleep periods in rats
Bramham, C.R., Maho C., Laroche S. - 1994
Hippocampal firing, sleep and spatial memory in rats
Wilson, M.A., McNaughton B.L. - 1994
Sleep and learning and memory - Review
Barinaga, M. - 1994
Room light and sleep in the albino rat
Tobler, I., Franken P., Alfoldi P., Borbely A.A. - 1994