Unilateral entorhinal cortex lesion and gangliside GM1 on water maze task in rats
Glasier, M.M., Sutton R.L., Stein D.G. - 1995
Fornix, entorhinal cortex and peririhinal cortex lesions on freezing of rats
Phillips, R.G., LeDoux J.E. - 1995
Entorhinal cortex and monkey memory
Leonard, B.W., Amaral D.G., Squire L.R., Zola-Morgan S. - 1995
Object memory and entorhinal-hippocampal connections in rats
Vnek, N., Gleason T.C., Kromer L.F., Rothblat L.A. - 1995
Novelty and familiar objects on c-fos gene expression in rats
Zhu, X.O., Brown M.W., McCabe B.J., Aggleton J.P. - 1995
GABA-A agonist into entorhinal cortex, amygdala and hippocampus on memory in rats
Jerusalinsky, D., Quillfeldt J.A., Walz R., Da Silva R.C., Bueno e Silva M., Bianchin M., Schmitz P., Zanatta M.S., Ruschel A.C., Paczko N., Medina J.H., Izquierdo I. - 1994
Neural networks in memory and recall - Review
Rolls, E.T., Treves A. - 1994
CNQX and AMPA into the entorhinal cortex on passive avoidance in rats
Quillfeldt, J.A., Schmitz P.K., Walz R., Bianchin M., Zanatta M.S., Medina J.H., Izquierdo I. - 1994
Entorhinal cortex lesions on passive avoidance in rats
Ueki, A., Miwa C., Miyoshi K. - 1994
Hippocampal-entorhinal relationships in guinea pigs
Bartesaghi, R. - 1994
Muscimol into the entorhinal cortex on passive avoidance in rats
Willner, P., Bianchin M., Walz R., Bueno e Silva M., Zanatta M.S., Izquierdo I. - 1993
Retrograde and anterograde amnesia by entorhinal cortex lesions on spatial memory in mice
Cho, Y.H., Beracochea D., Jaffard R. - 1993
Perirhinal and entorhinal cortices lesions on paired-associate learning in the rat
Bunsey, M., Eichenbaum H. - 1993
Entorhinal and perirhinal cortex lesions and visual recognition in monkeys
Meunier, M., Bachevalier J., Mishkin M., Murray E.A. - 1993
Hippocampus in learning and memory - Review
Jarrard, L.E. - 1993
Entorhinal-hippocampal connections - Review
Jones, R.S.G. - 1993
CNQX int entorhinal cortex on habituation and passive avoidance in rats
Izquierdo, I., da Silva R.C., Bueno M., Quillfeldt J.A., Medina J.H. - 1993
Long-term potentiation in limbic system: neurotransmitters study
Izquierdo, I., Medina J.H., Bianchin M., Walz R., Zanatta M.S., Da Silva R.C., Silva M.B.E., Ruschel A.C., Paczko N. - 1993
Passive avoidance impairment by post-training NMDA antagonists injections into the amygdala, hippocampus and entorhinal cortex in rats
Jerusalinsky, D., Ferreira M.B.C., Walz R., Da Silva R.C., Bianchin M., Ruschel A.C., Zanatta M.S., Medina J.H., Izquierdo I. - 1992
GABAergic transmission from basal forebrain and hippocampus to the amygdala in rats
Mello, L.E.A.M., Tan A.M., Finch D.M. - 1992
Entorhinal cortex in passive avoidance in rats: NMDA and GABAergic receptors
Ferreira, M.B.C., Da Silva R.C., Medina J.H., Izquierdo I. - 1992
Perirhinal, entorhinal cortices and fornix on odor conditioning in rats
Otto, T., Eichenbaum H. - 1992
Ketamine on induction of long-term potentiation in entorhinal cortex of the rat
Zhang, D.X., Levy W.B. - 1992
Hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and memory - Review
Squire, L.R., Zola-Morgan S. - 1991
Temporo-entorhinal connections on exploration, novelty and proactive memory in rats
Myhrer, T. - 1988
Retrograde and anterograde amnesia by entorhinal cortex lesions in rats
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Medial septum and entorhinal cortex lesions on theta activity of hippocampus and medial raphe nucleus
Swanson, L.W., Kohler C. - 1986
Projections from the subiculum and hippocampus to the entorhinal cortex in rats
Finch, D., Wong E.E., Derian E.L., Babb T.L. - 1986
Entorhinal and subicular lesions and spatial learning in the rat
Schenk, F., Morris R.G.M. - 1985
Anterograde amnesia induced by elecxtroconvulsive shock and hippocampal and entorhinal role in rats
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