Brain activity in heavy prenatal alcohol exposed adolescents: functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Ware, A.L., Infante M.A., O'Brien J.W., Tapert S.F., Jones K.L., Riley E.P., Mattson S.N. - 2015
Prefrontal cortex role in emotional cognition of humans
Nelson, B.D., Fitzgerald D.A., Klumpp H., Shankman S.A., Phan K.L. - 2015
Brain activation related to memory encoding in humans of different age
Cansino, S., Estrada-Manilla C., Trejo-Morales P., Pasaye-Alcaraz E.H., Aguilar-Castaneda E., Salgado-Lujambio P., Sosa-Ortiz A.L. - 2015
Neuroimaging and behavioral prediction in humans - Review
Gabrieli, J.D.E., Ghosh S.S., Whitfield-Gabrieli S. - 2015
Prefrontal and striatal activity during learning trials on social behavior prediction in humans
Garvert, M.M., Moutoussis M., Kurth-Neslon Z., Behrens T.E.J., Dolan R.J. - 2015
Working memory load in humans: event-related potential study
Deng, Y., Wang Y., Ding X., Tang Y.-Y. - 2015
Auditory and visual stimuli during episodic memory retrieval in humans: magnetoencephalography recording study
Ueno, D., Masumoto K., Sutani K., Iwaki S. - 2015
Hierarchical topography of process memory - Review
Hasson, U., Chen J., Honey C.J. - 2015
Learning on sensorimotor system function in humans: brain imaging study
Bassett, D.S., Yang M., Wymbs N.F., Grafton S.T. - 2015
Prefrontal role in rewarding valuation of humans: brain imaging study
McGuire, J.T., Kable J.W. - 2015
Insular cortex asymmetrical function in humans
Bidula, S.P., Kroliczak G. - 2015
Neural correlates in human episodic memory retrieval
Bowman, C.R., Dennis N.A. - 2015
Brain damages and attention/memory in humans
Corbetta, M., Ramsey L., Callejas A., Baldassarre A., Hacker C.D., Siegel J.S., Astafiev S.V., Rengachary J., Zinn K., Lang C.E., Connor L.T., Fucetola R., Strube M., Carter A.R., Shulman G.L. - 2015
Hippocampal, prefrontal activation and decision making in humans
Gluth, S., Sommer T., Rieskamp J., Buchel C. - 2015
Cortical activity and emotional cognition in humans
Mazza, M., Tempesta D., Pino M.C., Nigri A., Catalucci A., Guadagni V., Gallucci M., Iaria G., Ferrara M. - 2015
Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury on emotional responses in humans: brain imaging study
Isaac, L., Main K.L., Soman S., Gotlib I.H., Furst A.J., Kinoshita L.M., Fairchild J.K., Yesavage J.A., Ashford J.W., Bayley P.J., Adamson M.M. - 2015
Medial prefrontal cortex and inferior brainstem activation during emotional response in humans
Smith, R., Allen J.J.B., Thayer J.F., Lane R.D. - 2015
Motor performance and brain imaging neurofeedback in humans
Scharnowski, F., Veit R., Zopf R., Studer P., Bock S., Diedrichsen J., Goebel R., Mathiak K., Birbaumer N., Weiskopf N. - 2015
Age on associative memory in humans: brain imaging study
de Chastelaine, M., Mattson J.T., Wang T.H., Donley B.E., Rugg M.D. - 2015
Brain actvity, age and declarative memory retrieval in humans
Grady, C.L., St-Laurent M., Burianova H. - 2015
Perirhinal cortex and hippocampus functional connectivity on memory process in humans of different age
Wang, W.-C., Dew I.T.Z., Cabeza R. - 2015
Cortical activity and "attention to memory" in humans
Kizikirmak, J.M., Rosler F., Bien S., Khader P.H. - 2015
Prefrontal cortex activity and cognitive operational working memory in humans
Kim, C., Kroger J.K., Calhoun V.D., Clark V.P. - 2015
Amphetamine effects on brain activity during working memory in young and old adult humans
Garrett, D.D., Nagel I.E., Preuschhof C., Burzynska A.Z., Marchner J., Wiegert S., Jungehulsing G.J., Nyberg L., Villringer A., Li S.-C., Heekeren H.R., Backman L., Lindenberger U. - 2015
Brain imaging monitoring feedback and brain activation during cognitive task in humans
Von Der Gablentz, J., Tempelmann C., Munte T.F., Heldmann M. - 2015
Neuro-imaging feedback and verbal working memory in humans
Shen, J., Zhang G., Yao L., Zhao X. - 2015
Brain functional evolution: attention networks in macaques and humans
Patel, G.H., Yang D., Jamerson E.C., Snyder L.H., Corbetta M., Ferrera V.P. - 2015
Functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence and cognitive performance in humans
Howard, S.J., Burianova H., Ehrich J., Kervin L., Calleia A., Barkus E., Carmody J., Humphry S. - 2015
Hippocampal-cortical network stimulation, functional connectivity and memory enhancement in humans
Wang, J.X., Voss J.L. - 2015
Hippocampal-striatal interactions and associative learning in humans
Mattfeld, A.T., Stark C.E.L. - 2015