Growth hormone on appetitive Y-maze task in mice
Hoddes, E.S. - 1979
ACTH4-10 and behavior - Review
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Neuropeptides and neuronal excitability - Review
Barker, J.L. - 1976
Thyrotropin releasing hormone in human depression
Loosen, P.T., Prange A.J. Jr., Wilson I.C., Lara P.P. - 1976
Hypothalamic releasing factors and expression in the rat brain
Renaud, L.P., Martin J.B., Brazeau P. - 1976
Thyrotropin releasing hormone on central norepinephrine metabolism - Review
Stolk, J.M., Nisula B.C. - 1975
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone on dopaminergic modulation - Review
Plotnikoff, N.P. - 1975
Hypothalamic releasing hormones in animals and men - Review
Prange, A.J.Jr., Wilson I.C., Breese G.R., Lipton M.A. - 1975