Cholinergic ascending system and substance P in the rat
Vincent, S.R., Satoh K., Armstrong D.M., Fibiger H.C. - 1983
Substance P on amnesia induced by electroconvulsive shock or cycloheximide in mice
Schlesinger, K., Lipsitz D.U., Peck P.L., Pelleymounter M.A., Stewart J.M., Chase T.N. - 1983
Substance P on circadian activity in rats
Treptow, K., Oehme P., Gabler E., Bienert M. - 1983
Substance P on active and passive avoidance in mice
Schlesinger, K., Lipsitz D.U., Peck P.L., Pelleymounter M.A., Stewart J.M., Chase T.N. - 1983
Non-opioid neuropeptides in central nervous system - Review
Iversen, L.L. - 1983
Ventral tegmental area substance P on brain dopamine by response to stress in rats
Bannon, M.J., Elliott P.J., Alpert J.E., Goedert M., Iversen S.D., Iversen L.L. - 1983
Intrathecally serotonin or substance P on hindlimb scratching behavior in mice
Fasmer, O.B., Berge O.-G., Hole K. - 1983
Centrally administered neuropeptides on response to stress in rats
Hernandez, D.E., Nemeroff C.B., Orlando R.C., Prange A.J. Jr. - 1983
Intrathecal substance P on nociception in rats
Rodriguez, R.E., Salt T.E., Cahusac P.M.B., Hill R.G. - 1983
Neuroendocrinology and brain peptides - Review
Cooper, P.E., Martin J.B. - 1982
Intracerebroventricular agents on grooming and locomotor activity in rats and mice
Meisenberg, G. - 1982
Neuropeptides in sensory neurons - Review
Buck, S.H., Walsh J.H., Yamamura H.I., Burks T.F. - 1982
Intra-substantia nigra substance P and L-glutamic acid on basal ganglia serotonin release in cats
Reisine, T., Soubrie P., Artaud F., Glowinski J. - 1982
Primary sensory neuron substance P content in guinea pigs
Dalsgaard, C.-J., Hfikfelt T., Elfvin L.-G., Skirboll L., Emson P. - 1982
Substance P and its fragments on supraspinal neurones in the rat
Jones, R.S.G., Olpe H.-R. - 1982
Substance P and noradrenergic modulation of synaptic transmission in nerves - Review
Black, I.B., Kessler J.A. - 1981
Neuropeptides - Review
Bloom, F.E. - 1981
Substance P and serotonin coexistence in rats
Pelletier, G., Steinbusch H.W.M., Verhofstad A.A.J. - 1981
Brain peptides and anterior pituitary hormones modulation - Review
McCann, S.M. - 1980
Neurotransmitters and neuromodulation of peptides - Review
Hokfelt, T., Johansson O., Ljungdahl A., Lundberg J.M., Schultzberg M. - 1980
Turning behavior in animals - Review
Pycock, C.J. - 1980
Brain peptides as neurotransmitters - Review
Snyder, S.H. - 1980
Brain neuropeptides
Anonimo - 1980
Substance P on passive avoidance in rats
Huston, J.P., Staubli U. - 1979
Central Nervous System neuropeptides - Review
Klee, W.A. - 1979
Intra-substantia nigra substance P on passive avoidance consolidation in rats
Huston, J.P., Staubli U. - 1978
ACTH4-10 and behavior - Review
Barbeau, A., Gonce M., Kastin A.J. - 1976