c-fos and zif268 role into the prabrachial nucleus, amygdala and insular cortex in conditioned taste aversion of the rat
Yasoshima, Y., Sako N., Senba E., Yamamoto T. - 2006
Gustatory thalamus and parabrachial nucleus lesions on conditioned taste aversion in the rat
Mungarndee, S.S., Lundy R.F., Norgren R. - 2006
Parabrachial serotonin and dopamine during conditioned taste aversion of rats
Zach, P., Krivanek J., Vales K. - 2006
GluR and NMDA receptors in parabrachial nuclei on conditioned taste aversion of rats
Vales, K., Zach P., Bielavska E. - 2006
Parabrachial melanocortin-4 and c-fos expression during conditioned taste aversion of rats
Paules, J., Mackerlova L., Blomqvist A. - 2006
Projections from interstitial trigeminal tract to parabrachial nucleus in the rat
Pinto, M.L., de Cassia Machado R., Schoorlemmer G.H.M., Colombari E., de Cassia Ribeiro da Silva Lapa R. - 2006
Amygdala, hippocampus, parabrachial nucleus and solitary tract nucleus c-fos activation during conditioned taste aversion in rats: insular cortex role
Koh, M.T., Bernstein I.L. - 2005
Avoidance/escape reaction on c-fos activation in the rat brain
Coco, M.L., Weiss J.M. - 2005
Gustatory thalamus and parabrachial nucleus lesions on dopamine release in nucleus accumbens by sapid sucrose in rats
Hajnal, A., Norgren R. - 2005
Parabrachial nuclei cooling effect on conditioned taste aversion in rats - c-fos expression
Chambers, K.C., Wang Y. - 2004
Taste-recognition memory mechanisms - Review
Bermudez-Rattoni, F. - 2004
Associative and visceral component of parabrachial nucleus in conditioned taste aversion - Tetrodotoxin inactivation in rats
Ballesteros, M.A., Gonzalez F., Moron I., DeBrugada I., Candido A., Gallo M. - 2002
Lateral parabrachial nucleus cooling ablation on conditioned taste aversion acquisition in rats
Wang, Y., Chambers K.C. - 2002
Parabrachial nucleus on acquisition and expression of conditioned taste aversion in the rat
Lopez Grancha, M., Navarro M., Cubero I., Thiele T.E., Bernstein I.L. - 2002
Lateral parabrachial nucleus lesions on neophobia and conditioned taste aversion in the rat
Reilly, S., Trifunovic R. - 2001
Parabrachial lesions on taste and odor conditioned aversion in rats
Sclafani, A., Azzara A.V., Touzani K., Grigson P.S., Norgren R. - 2001
Calcium calmodulin kinase II and protein kinase C inhibitors into parabrachial nucleus in rat's conditioned taste aversion
Sacchetti, B., Baldi E., Tassoni G., Bielavska E. - 2001
c-fos induction during conditioned taste aversion in parabrachial nucleus, amygdala and nucleus of solitary tract in rats: aversion strength effects
Navarro, M., Spray K.J., Cubero I., Thiele T.E., Bernstein I.L. - 2000
Parabrachial nucleus lesions and conditioned taste aversion in the rat
Cubero, I., Puerto A. - 2000
External parabrachial nucleus lesions on conditioned taste aversion in the rat
Mediavilla, C., Molina F., Puerto A. - 2000
Glutamate in parabrachial nuclei during conditioned taste aversion in rats
Bielavska, E., Niksik I., Krivanek J. - 2000
Functional inactivation in memory consolidation studies - Review
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Baldi E., Bucherelli C., Sacchetti B., Tassoni G. - 1999
Tetrodotoxin in parabrachial nuclei on conditioned taste aversion by rotation in rats
Gallo, M., Marquez S.L., Ballesteros M.A., Maldonado A. - 1999
Parabrachial nucleus and conditioned taste aversion - Review
Reilly, S. - 1999
Parabrachial nucleus lesions on conditioned taste aversion in rats
Grigson, P.S., Reilly S., Shimura T., Norgren R. - 1998
Medial and lateral parabrachial nucleus lesions on conditioned taste aversion in rats
Sakai, N., Yamamoto T. - 1998
Parabrachial nucleus lesions on conditioned odor aversion in rats
Grigson, P.S., Reilly S., Scalera G., Norgren R. - 1998
Protein kinase C inhibitor into parabrachial nucleus on conditioned taste aversion in rats
Sacchetti, B., Bielavska E. - 1998
Parabrachial nucleus and nucleus of the solitary tract lesions on conditioned taste aversion in rats
Grigson, P.S., Shimura T., Norgren R. - 1997
Parabrachial neurons response to conditioned stimulus in conditioned taste aversion of rats
Shimura, T., Tanaka H., Yamamoto T. - 1997