Adrenocortical activity, brain monoamines and aggressiveness in rats
Naumenko, E.V., Popova N.K., Nikulina E.M., Dygalo N.N., Shishkina G.T., Borodin P.M., Markel A.L. - 1989
Caffeine and ethanol effects on social behavior, exploration and locomotor activity in mice
Hilakivi, L.A., Durcan M.J., Lister R.G. - 1989
Active shock avoidance of aggressive and non aggressive male mice
Benus, R.F., Bohus B., Koolhaas J.M., Van Oortmerssen G.A. - 1989
Ventral tegmental area lesions on food hoarding, social agonistic behavior and spatial laternation in rats: dopamine
Stam, C.J., de Bruin J.P.C., van der Gugten J., Kalsbeek A., van Haelst A.M. - 1989
Aggression and pain threshold of hypertensive Wistar and normotensive Kyoto rats
Potegal, M., Myers M.M. - 1989
Attenuation of defensive threat and attack by benzodiazepines in rats
Blanchard, D.C., Hori K., Rodgers R.J., Hendrie C.A., Blanchard R.J. - 1989
Attack and grooming behavior by hypothalamic stimulation in rats
Lammers, J.H.C.M., van der Noordaa J., Kruk M.R., Meelis W., van der Poel G.M. - 1989
Conspecific and predatory stressors-odors on defensive response in rats
Williams, J.L., Scott D.K. - 1989
Nerve growth factor mRNA in the hypothalamus on aggressive behavior in mice
Spillantini, M.G., Aloe L., Alleva E., De Simone R., Guederí M., Levi-Montalcini R. - 1989
Offensive behavior and ethoexperimental analysis in rats
Blanchard, D.C., Blanchard R.J., Cholvanich P., Mayer S.I. - 1989
High- and low-avoidance rats on social dominance and pradator response
Brush, F.R., Blanchard R.J., Blanchard D.C. - 1989
Inter-male aggression after amygdala lesions: freezing in rats
Blanchard, D.C., Takahashi S.N. - 1988
Amygdala firing during predatory aggression and food getting behaviors in rats
Gromov, A.I., Pletnikov M.V. - 1988
Environmental stress in different species - Review
Parsons, P.A. - 1988
5-HT1A agonists on spontanous aversive behavior in rats
Blanchard, D.C., Rodgers R.J., Hendrie C.A., Hori K. - 1988
Olfactory bulbectomy, passive avoidance, sex differentces, handling, mouse killing and open field activity
Thorne, B.M., Rowles J.S. - 1988
Ventromedial hypothalamus and cerebellum lesions on freezing, attack and defense behaviors in the rat
Supple, W.F., Cranney J., Leaton R.N. - 1988
Nipple removal on pregnancy-induced aggression in mice
Mann, M.A., Harvey P.J. - 1988
Ethoexperimental approaches to the biology of emotion - Review
Blanchard, D.C., Blanchard R.J. - 1988
Dominance and aggression in colonies of laboratory rats
Blanchard, R.J., Flannelly K.J., Blanchard C.D. - 1988
Medial amygdala lesions on aggressive behavior of male rats
Vochteloo, J.D., Koolhaas J.M. - 1987
Norepinephrine into central amygdala on locomotion and pain perception effects on apomorphine-induced aggression and activity in rats
Pucilowski, O., Trzaskowska E., Kostowski W., Valzelli L. - 1987
Behavioral dominance: probabilistic considerations - Review
Hopkins, P.O. - 1987
Individual differences, sex differences on predation, food boarding and burrowing in rats
Negrao, N., Schmidek W.R. - 1987
Behavioral consequences of agonistic experiences in rats
Scholtens, J., van de Poll N.E. - 1987
Individual differences by changing environment in mice and rats
Benus, R.F., Koolhaas J.M., Van Oortmerssen G.A. - 1987
Neonatal benzodiazepine on behavior of adult rats
File, S.E. - 1986
Neonatal clonazepam on behavior of adult rats
File, S.E. - 1986
Defensive behavior in different rat strains
Blanchard, R.J., Flannelly K.J., Blanchard D.C. - 1986
Aggressive behavior and nerve growth factor in mice
Aloe, L., Alleva E., Bohm A., Levi-Montalcini R. - 1986