5-HT1A binding on aggressive and defensive strategy: strain differences in rats
Popova, N.K., Avgustinovich D.F., Kolpakov V.G., Plyusnina I.Z. - 1998
Caudal periaqueductal gray in lactating rats on aggression
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Small amygdala lesions on fear and aggression in the rat
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Stretched attend posture test: model of anxiety in rats and mice
Grewal, S.S., Shepherd J.K., Bill D.J., Fletcher A., Dourish C.T. - 1997
Hypothalamic lesions and rat's defensive behavior
Canteras, N.S., Chiavegatto S., Ribeiro Do Valle L.E., Swanson L.W. - 1997
Periaqueductal gray lesions on freezing and defensive behavior in rats
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Behavioral abnormalities and nitric oxide synthase inhibition in mice
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Human handling on aggression in cats
Reisner, I.R., Houpt K.A., Erb H.N., Quimby F.W. - 1994
Fear and aggression in calcium calmodulin kinase II mutant mice
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Escape movement of gerbils in open field
Ellard, C.G. - 1993
Odours on territorial and aggressive behavior of laboratory rats
Garcia-Brull, P.D., Nunez J., Nunez A. - 1993
Periaqueductal gray stimulation induces defence reactions in rats
Murari Sudrè, E.C., de Barros M. R., Neves Sudrè G., Schenberg L.C. - 1993
Shock-induced aggression and naturally occurring aggression in rats
Viken, R.J., Knutson J.F. - 1992
Dopaminergic activity and aggressive behavior of rats
Nikulina, E.M., Avgustinovich D.F., Popova N.K. - 1992
Morphine and naloxone on antipredator defebce reactionj of wild and laboratory rats
Blanchard, D.C., Weatherspoon A., Shepherd J., Rodgers R.J., Weiss S.M., Blanchard R.J. - 1991
Serotonergic system and psychosocial stress in male rats
Korte, S.M., Smit J., Bouws G.A.H., Koolhaas J.M., Bohus B. - 1990
Regional amygdaloid lesions on rat's aggressive behavior
Kemble, E.D., Blanchard D.C., Blanchard R.J. - 1990
Medial amygdala and aggressive behavior in rats: testosterone and vasopressin role
Koolhaas, J.M., Van Den Brink T.H.C., Roozendaal B. , Boorsma F. - 1990
Ethanol and diazepam on reactions to predatory odors in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C., Weiss S.M., Meyer S. - 1990
Ethanol, benzodiazepines and serotonergic drugs on models of anxiety in rats
Blanchard, D.C., Blanchard R.J. - 1990
Diazepam on anxiety/defense test battery in rats
Blanchard, D.C., Blanchard R.J., Tom P., Rodgers R.J. - 1990
Ethanol on anxiety/defense test battery in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C., Weiss S.M. - 1990
Scopolamine on antipredator defense reaction in wild and laboratory rats
Rodgers, R.J., Blanchard D.C., Wong L.K., Blanchard R.J. - 1990
Predictability and patterns of vigilant behavior in birds
Desportes, J.P., Metcalfe N.B., Popp J.W., Meyer R.M., Gallo A., Cezilly F. - 1990
Inescapable shock response in aggressive and non aggressive male mice
Benus, R.F., Bohus B., Koolhaas J.M., Van Oortmerssen G.A. - 1990
Serotonergic system and depression in rats
Koolhaas, J.M., Hermann P.M., Kemperman C., Bohus B., Van Den Hoofdakker R.H., Beersma D.G.M. - 1990
Antipredator defensive behavior - Review
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C., Rodgers J., Weiss S.M. - 1990
Ethoexperimental analysis of defense, fear and anxiety in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C. - 1990
Antipredator defence as a model of animal fear and anxiety in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C. - 1990
Central cholinergic regulation of shock-induced aggression in rats
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