Conditioned emotional response and prefrontal cortex activity related to painful stimuli presentation during aversive conditioning in humans
Jahn, A., Nee D.E., Alexander W.H., Brown J.W. - 2016
Brain activity related to operant decision making in humans: computational modeling and brain imaging study
Guo, R., Bohmer W., Hebart M., Chien S., Sommer T., Obermayer K., Glascher J. - 2016
Brain activity related to operant responding in humans: impulsivity/stop signal study
Hu, S., Ide J.S., Zhang S., Li C.R. - 2016
Dopaminergic function and cognitive flexibility in young adult and older humans: a brain imaging study
Berry, A.S., Shah V.D., Baker S.L:, Vogel J.W., O'Neil J.P., Janabi M., Schwimmer H.D., Marks S.M., Jagust W.J. - 2016
Brain activity related to recognition memory in humans: hippocampal mismatch signal study
Long, N.M., Lee H., Kuhl B.A. - 2016
Addiction and hippocampal function - Review
Kutlu, M.G., Gould T.J. - 2016
Oscillatory features of interval timing and working memory - Review
Gu, B.-M., van Rijn H., Meck W.H. - 2015
NMDA receptors role in cortical spreading depression of rats
Shatillo, A., Salo R.A., Giniatullin R., Grohn O.H. - 2015
Noradrenergic α2B receptor ADRA2B gene on emotional memory in humans: amygdalar and hippocampal activity during memory retrieval
Li, S., Weerda R., Milde C., Wolf O.T.,Thiel C.M. - 2015
Affective instabilkity: neurobiological and behavioral studies - Review
Broome, M.R., He Z., Iftikhar M., Eyden J., Marwaha S. - 2015
Brain activity and task familiarity in humans
Provost, J.-S., Monchi O. - 2015
Central amygdala and stress response - Review
Fox, A.S., Oler J.A., Tromp D.P.M., Fudge J.L., Kalin N.H. - 2015
Amygdala and prefrontal cortex activity during visual stimuli paired with stressor in post-traumatic stress disorder and control patients
Brunetti, M., Sepede G., Ferretti A., Mingoia G., Romani G.L., Babiloni C. - 2015
Amygdalo-cortical functional connectivity and emotional states in humans
Leung, M.-K., Chan C.C.H., Yin J., Lee C.-F., So K.-F., Lee T.M.C. - 2015
Brain activation and fear conditioning in humans
Baeuchl, C., Meyer P., Hoppstadter M., Diener C., Flor H. - 2015
Unilateral medial temporal lobe damage on auditory cortical processing of vocal emotions in humans
Fruhholz, S., Hofstetter C., Cristinzio C., Saj A., Seeck M., Vuilleumier P., Grandjean D. - 2015
fMRI feedback emotional stimuli on brain activity during cognitive processes in humans
Sarkheil, P., Zilverstand A., Kilian-Hutten N., Schneider F., Goebel R., Mathiak K. - 2015
Learned fear functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis in mice - Technique
Harris, A.P., Lennen R.J., Marshall I., Jansen M.A., Pernet C.R., Brydges N.M., Duguid I.C., Holmes M.C. - 2015
Orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala activity during object discrimination operant task in monkeys
Chau, B.KH., Sallet J., Papageorgiou G.K., Noonan M.A.P., Bell A.H., Walton M.E., Rushworth M.F.S. - 2015
Insular cortex and amygdala activity related to fear and conditioned emotional response in humans
MacNamara, A., Rabinak C.A., Fitzgerald D.A., Zhou X.J., Shankman S.A., Milad M.R., Phan K.L. - 2015
Hemispheric specialization in affective responses, language and handedness in humans
Costanzo, E.Y., Villarreal M., Drucaroff L.J., Ortiz-Villafane M., Castro M.N., Goldschmidt M., Wainsztein A.E., Ladron-de-Guevara M.S., Romero C., Brusco L.I., Camprodon J.A., Nemeroff C., Guinjoan S.M. - 2015
Cortical and amygdalar activation on facial expression in humans
Yoon, H., Kim S.A., Kim S.H. - 2015
Brain activation during emotional memory encoding and retrieval in schizophrenic and control patients
Kim, G.-W., Yang J.-C., Jeong G.-W. - 2015
Amygdala, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum functional connectivity and cognitive performance in humans
Gottlich, M., Kramer U.M., Kordon A., Hohagen F., Zurowski B. - 2015
Brain activity and working memory in humans
Charroud, C., Steffener J., Le Bars E., Deverdun J., Bonafe A., Abdennour M., Portet F., Molino F., Stern Y., Ritchie K., de Champfleur N.M., Akbaraly T.N. - 2015
Negative emotions and brain activity in Parkinson's disease and control humans
Schienle, A., Ille R., Wabnegger A. - 2015
Amygdalar-prefrontal pathways and emotion regulation in humans
Eden, A.S., Schreiber J., Anwander A., Keuper K., Laeger I., Zwanzger P., Zwitserlood P., Kugel H., Dobel C. - 2015
Basolateral amygdala and caudate nucleus activity related to food cues in satied and hungry humans
Sun, X., Kroemer N.B., Veldhuizen M.G., Babbs A.E., de Araujo I.E., Gitelman D.R., Sherwin R.S., Sinha R., Small D.M. - 2015
Amygdalar and ventral striatal activity related to sexual risk behavior in young adult men and women
Victor, E.C., Sansosti A.A., Bowman H.C., Hariri A.R. - 2015
Brain activation, repeated testing and long-term memory retention expression in humans
Wirebring, L.K., Wiklund-Hornqvist C., Eriksson J., Andersson M., Jonsson B., Nyberg L. - 2015