CB1 cannabinoid knockout mice: anxiety-like and social behavior
Haller, J., Varga B., Ledent C., Barna I., Freund T.F. - 2004
Hypothalamic stimulation on adrenocortical response and aggressive behavior in rats
Kruk, M.R., Halasz J., Meelis W., Haller J. - 2004
Medial amygdala role in predator odor-induced unconditioned fear in the rat
Li, C.-L, Maglinao T.L., Takahashi L.K. - 2004
Amygdala and hippocampus role in fear and anxiety in rats
McHugh, S.B., Deacon R.M.J., Rawlins J.N.P., Bannerman D.M. - 2004
Corticotropin-releasing factor role in central amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis on social behavior of hamsters
Jasnow, A.M., Davis M., Huhman K.L. - 2004
D1 agonist into ventromedial prefrontal cortex on exploration and defensive responding in mice
Wall, P.M., Blanchard R.J., Markham C., Yang M., Blanchard D.C. - 2004
Colecistokinin on rats freezing behavior habituation after repeated exposures to a cat
Farook, J.M., McLachlan C.S., Zhu Y.Z., Lee L., Moochhala S.M., Wong P.T.-H. - 2004
Dominance hierarchy and adult hippocampal neurogenesis in rats
Kozorovitskiy, Y., Gould E. - 2004
Corticotropin releasing factor intracerebroventricular on maternal aggression and c-fos inducion in mice
Gammie, S.C., Negron A., Newman S.M., Rhodes J.S. - 2004
Oxytocin antagonist in central amygdala and maternal aggressive behavior in rats
Lubin, D.A., Elliott J.C., Black M.C., Johns J.M. - 2003
cDNA microarray cortical analysis in PVG hooded and Sprague-Dawley rats after cat exposure
Wang, H., Zhu Y.Z., Wong P.T.-H., Farook J.M., Teo A.L., Lee L.K.H., Moochhala S. - 2003
Dorsal pre-mammillary nucleus on innate and conditioned defensive behaviors in rats
Blanchard, D.C., Li C.I., Hubbard D., Markham C.M., Yang M., Takahashi L.K., Blanchard R.J. - 2003
Pet-1 ETS gene in serotoninergic neuron development and on anxiey -like and aggressive behavior of mice
Hendricks, T.J., Fyodorov D.V., Wegman L.J., Lelutiu N.B., Pehek E.A., Yamamoto B., Silver J., Weeber E.J., Sweatt J.D., Deneris E.S. - 2003
c-Fos in situ hybridization and flight and freezing fear behaviors in mice
Mongeau, R., Miller G.A., Chiang E., Anderson D.J. - 2003
Serotonin and GABA agonists into dorsal raphe nucleus on aggressive behavior in rats
Van der Vegt, B.J., Lieuwes N., Van der Wall E.H.E.M, Kato K., Moya-Albiol L., Martinez-Sanchis S., De Boer S.F., Koolhaas J.M. - 2003
Orienting and defensive behaviors by superior colliculus stimulation in rats: 5-HT role
Dringenberg, H.C., Dennis K.E.B., Tomaszek S., Martin J. - 2003
Aggressive and sexual behavior in estrogen receptor α lacking mice
Scordalakes, E.M., Rissman E.F. - 2003
High-alcohol-drinking rats and freezing expression
Rorick, L.M., Finn P.R., Steinmetz J.E. - 2003
Pubertal androgenic-anabolic steroid administration on reproductive and aggressive behaviors of male rats
Farrell, S.F., McGinnis M.Y. - 2003
Hippocampal lesions on neophobia, exploration and social interactions in rats
Deacon, R.M.J., Bannerman D.M., Rawlins J.N.P. - 2002
Unconditioned fear response and basolateral amygdala in rats
Vazdarjanova, A., Cahill L., McGaugh J.L. - 2001
Neonatal handling and aversive stimulation on social, sexual and aggressive behavior of adult male and female rats
Padoin, M.J., Cadore L.P., Gomes C.M., Barros H.M.T., Lucion A.B. - 2001
Freezing in social interaction of high- and low-aggressive mice
Bauer, D.J., Gariepy J.-L. - 2001
Fox feces odor on unconditioned fear of rats
Wallace, K.J., Rosen J.B. - 2000
Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus lesions and anxiety expression in rats
Podhorna, J., Franklin K.B.J. - 1999
Serotonin, AVP and hypothalamus role in aggressive behavior of hamsters
Ferris, C.F., Stolberg T., Delville Y. - 1999
Exposure of rat to predator on hippocampal excitability
Mesches, M.H., Fleshner M., Heman K.L., Rose G.M., Diamond D.M. - 1999
Exposure of rat to predator on spatial working memory
Diamond, D.M., Park C.R., Heman K.L., Rose G.M. - 1999
Hypothalamus on grooming and aggression - Review
Kruk, M.R., Westphal K.G.C., Van Erp A.M.M., van Asperen J., Cave B.J., Slater E., de Koning J., Haller J. - 1998
Central amygdala lesions on aggressive behavior in cats
Zagrodzka, J., Hedberg C.E., Mann G.L., Morrison A.R. - 1998