Primate rhinal cortex activation in visual recognition and working memory task in monkeys
Davachi, L., Goldman-Rakic P.S. - 2001
Hippocampal complex and long-term memory - Commentary
Nadel, L., Moscovitch M. - 2001
Memory consolidation and medial temporal lobe - Review
Murray, E.A., Bussey T.J. - 2001
Propagation of neocortical inputs in perirhinal cortex of guinea pigs
Martina, M., Royer S., Paré D. - 2001
Perirhinal cortex and object recognition - Review
Murray, E.A., Richmond B.J. - 2001
Direct projection from postrhinal cortex to the subiculum in the rat
Naber, P.A., Witter M.P., Lopes da Silva F.H. - 2001
Rhinal and hippocampal activity and human memory formation
Fell, J., Klaver P., Lehnertz K., Grunwald T., Schaller C., Elger C.E., Fernandez G. - 2001
Coupled inactivation of perirhinal cortex and medial septal area, fimbria-fornix and entorhinal cortex on passive avoidance in rats
Baldi, E., Ambrogi Lorenzini C., Sacchetti B., Tassoni G., Bucherelli C. - 2000
Rhinal cortex inactivation on object discrimination in rats
Barnes, S.J., Floresco S.B., Kornecook T.J., Pinel P.J. - 2000
Olfactory fear conditioning - Review
Otto, T., Cousens G., Herzog C. - 2000
Perirhinal cortex lesions on spatial anterograde and retrograde memory in rats
Mumby, D.G., Glenn M.J. - 2000
Perirhinal cortex ablation and object identification in rats
Gaffan, E.A., Eacott M.J., Simpson E.L. - 2000
Perirhinal cortex and post-rhinal cortex lesions on rat's visual discrimination task
Myhrer, T. - 2000
Fornix, perirhinal and postrhinal cortices lesions on discrimination in rats
Bussey, T.J., Duck J., Muir J.L., Aggleton J.P. - 2000
Perirhinal cortex lesions on neutral stimuli in the rat
Nicholson, D.A., Freeman J.H. Jr. - 2000
Entorhinal and perirhinal cortices on visual instrumental conditioning in monkeys
Liu, Z., Murray E.A., Richmond B.J. - 2000
Post- and perirhinal cortex lesions on contextual fear conditioning in the rat
Bucci, D.J., Phillips R.G., Burwell R.D. - 2000
Cortical inputs to rat hippocampus on allocentric spatial processes - Review
Aggleton, J.P., Vann S.D., Oswald C.J.P., Good M. - 2000
Crossed unilateral lesions of the medial forebrain bundle and inferior temporal cortex, fornix section, perirhinal ablation on object recognition in monkeys
Easton, A., Gaffan D. - 2000
Fornix, perirhinal cortex and posterhinal cortex lesions on operant conditioning and spatial learning in rats
Bussey, T.J., Dias R., Redhead E.S., Pearce J.M., Muir J.L., Aggleton J.P. - 2000
Parahippocampal region - Commentary
Nadel, L. - 2000
c-Fos activation during spatial earning in hippocampus, entorhinal and parahippocampal cortex
Vann, S.D., Brown M.W., Erichsen J.T., Aggleton J.P. - 2000
Hippocampal-cortical interaction and memory consolidation - Review
Lavenex, P., Amaral D.G. - 2000
Cortical firing in rats and olfactory recognition memory
Ramus, S.J., Eichenbaum H. - 2000
Perirhinal cortex inactivation on conditioned freezing in rats
Sacchetti, B., Ambrogi Lorenzini C., Baldi E., Tassoni G., Bucherelli C. - 1999
Perirhinal cortex inactivation on conditioned taste aversion in rats
Tassoni, G., Ambrogi Lorenzini C., Baldi E., Sacchetti B., Bucherelli C. - 1999
Auditory thalamus, dorsal hippocampus, basolateral amygdala and perirhinal cortex tetrodotoxin inactivation on conditioned freezing in rats
Sacchetti, B., Ambrogi Lorenzini C., Baldi E., Tassoni G., Bucherelli C. - 1999
Perirhinal cortex coupled with medial septal area, entorhinal cortex and fimbria-fornix tetrodotoxin inactivation on passive avoidance in rats
Baldi, E., Ambrogi Lorenzini C., Sacchetti B., Tassoni G., Bucherelli C. - 1999
Perirhinal cortex inactivation on passive avoidance in rats
Tassoni, G., Ambrogi Lorenzini C., Baldi E., Sacchetti B., Bucherelli C. - 1999
Fear conditioning: perirhinal-amygdala temporal encoding circuit - Model
Tieu, K.H., Keidel A.L., McGann J.P., Faulkner B., Brown T.H. - 1999