Morphine and naloxone on antipredator defebce reactionj of wild and laboratory rats
Blanchard, D.C., Weatherspoon A., Shepherd J., Rodgers R.J., Weiss S.M., Blanchard R.J. - 1991
2-deoxy-D-galactose on morphine tolerance in rats
Richter, P., Phole W., Grecksch G., Smalla K.H., Jork R., Matthies H. - 1991
Post-natal handling and pain threshold in mice: opioid receptor population
Pieretti, S., d'Amore A., Loizzo A. - 1991
Distinct memory modulation after first and second sessions of avoidance tasks in rats: ACTH, epinephrine and naloxone role
Netto, C.A., Maltchik M. - 1990
Methylphenidate-ritalin on exploration of spontaneously hypertensive rats
Wultz, B., Sagvolden T., Moser E.I., Moser M.B. - 1990
Amphetamine and β-endorphine fragments on maze performance in rats
de Boer, S., Bohus B. - 1990
Amygdala and neuromodulatory influences on memory storage - Review
McGaugh, J.L., Introini-Collison I.B., Nagahara A.H., Cahill L., Brioni J.D., Castellano C. - 1990
Conditioned fear-induced stress and opioid system-analgesia in rats
Przewlocka, B., Sumova A., Lason W. - 1990
Opiate antagonists on spatial working memory in radial maze in rats
Canli, T., Cook R.G., Miczek K.A. - 1990
Dynorphin into the hippocampus and spatial learning in rats
McDaniel, K.L., Mundy W.R., Tilson H.A. - 1990
Escape and tail flick thresholds in the rat: morphine hypoalgesia study
Borszcz, G.S., Lichtman A.H., Hughes H.C. - 1990
Neuroendocrine aspects of learning and memory - Commentary
De Wied, D. - 1989
Dissociating learning and performance: drugs and hormones on memory storage - Review
McGaugh, J.L. - 1989
Hormonal and neuromodulatory systems in memory storage - Review
McGaugh, J.L. - 1989
Neuropeptides induce directional asymmetry in brain and spinal cord lesions - Review
Bakalkin, G.Y.A. - 1989
Morphine on one-trial passive avoidance in mice
Castellano, C., McGaugh J.L. - 1989
Post-training drug effects related to state-dependency and diazepam in rats
Izquierdo, I., Cardoso Ferreira M.B. - 1989
Agonists and antagonists of noradrenaline and opioid system of amygdala on memory - Commentary
Izquierdo, I. - 1988
Role of μ opioid receptors in the amygdala in feeding of rats
Gosnell, B.A. - 1988
Enkephalin metabolites on avoidance and locomotion in mice
Weinberg, S.B., Martinez J. Jr. - 1988
Naloxone administration and improvement of recognition memory in monkeys
Aigner, T.G., Mishkin M. - 1988
Naloxone and β-endorphine on epinephrine effects on avoidance memory in mice
Introini-Collison, I.B., McGaugh J.L. - 1987
Morphine effects on activity and pain reactivity - prenatal oxazepam exposure in mice
Alleva, E., Laviola G., Bignami G. - 1987
Benzodiazepine and opioid modulation of aversive operant conditioning in rats
Galizio, M., Perone M. - 1987
Pre- and post-weaning morphine on activity and pain reactivity in mice
Alleva, E., Laviola G. - 1987
Opioid peptides on feeding control in sheeps
Baile, C.A., McLaughlin C.L., Buonomo F.C., Lauterio T.J., Marson L., Della-Fera M.A. - 1987
Naltrexone on learning, analgesia and fear induced freezing in rats
Helmstetter, F.J., Fanselow M.S. - 1987
Aversively motivated behavior and endogenous opioid in rats
Fanselow, M.S. - 1987
Pre-exposure to the same or another experience on retention of inhibitory avoidance in mice: β-endorphin effects
Izquierdo, I., McGaugh J.L. - 1987