Doppler shift radar monitoring in open filed - Technique
Rose, F.D., Dell P.A., Love S. - 1985
Water radial maze for rats - Methods
Buresova, O., Bures J., Oitzl M.S., Zahalka A. - 1985
"Fictive tail flick reflex" in arts - Technique
Cargill, C.L., Steinman J.L., Willis W.D. - 1985
Automated computerized grooming quantification in rats - Technique
Spruijt, B.M., Gispen W.H. - 1984
Experimental consideration on analysis of variance procedure - Technique
Denenberg, V.H. - 1984
Animal behavior microcomputer technique for quantification and automated statistical analysis
Hendrie, C.A., Bennett S. - 1984
Physiological parameters measure during locomotor activity in rats - Methods
Shyu, B.C., Anderson S.A., Thoren P. - 1984
Activity system for small animals - Methods
Czech, D.A. - 1984
Two-way avoidance method in rodents - Technique
Bracs, P.U., Jackson D.M., Gregory P. - 1984
Electrolytic and ibotenate lesions of lateral hypothalamus
Winn, P., Tarbuck A., Dunnett S.B. - 1984
Water maze procedure for studying spatial learning in the rat - Technique
Morris, R. - 1984
Computerized automated classification of electroencephalographic signal - Technique
Krajca, V. - 1984
Intraventricular drug administration cannula for rodents
Packard, K., Pohorecky L.A., Brick J. - 1984
Cyanoacrilate ester adhesive in experimental surgery
Stickrod, G., Soyke J., Weeks J.R. - 1984
Digitizing graphic data system
Carnevale, N.T. - 1984
Intathecal chronic catheterization in the rat
Dib, B. - 1984
Microelectrode recording for simple-unit data collecting in freely-moving rats
Kubie, J.L. - 1984
Evaluation of animal activities: arbitrary time unit counts
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Giachetti A. - 1984
Evaluation of animal activities: arbitrary time unit counts
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Giachetti A. - 1984
Microcomputer technique for detailed analysis of animal behavior - Technique
Hendrie, C.A., Bennett S. - 1983
Computerized analysis of behavior - Technique
Spruijt, B.M., Gispen W.H. - 1983
Computerized analysis of behavior - Technique
Depaulis, A. - 1983
Parameter estimation and confidence interval analysis - Technique
Haacke, E.M., Goldman M.D. - 1983
Photoperiod, oscillations and circadian rhythms - Review
Carpenter, G.A., Grossberg S. - 1983
Open field automated recording in rodents - Methods
Whitmoyer, D.I., Masco D., Carrer H.F. - 1983
Motor reaction measurement in rats - Methods
Dickinson, S.L., Jackson A., Curzon G. - 1983
Rotation and pallidal neuron firing recording - Methods
McKenzie, J.S., Everett P.W., Dally L.J. - 1983
Motor activity measuring in rats - Methods
Stoff, D.M., Stauderman K., Wyatt R.J. - 1983
Automated measurement of stereotypic behavior in rats - Methods
Sanberg, P.R., Moran T.H., Kubos K.L., Coyle J.T. - 1983
Active avoidance conditioning in rats - Methods
Kesner, R.P., Hardy J.D., Novak J.M. - 1983