Computational conjectures and experimental findings of ascending neuromodulatory systems - Review
Pennartz, C.M.A. - 1996
Memory: recording experience in cells and circuits - Commentary
Goldman-Rakic, P.S. - 1996
Computational model of hippocampal function
Treves, A., Skaggs W.E., Barnes C.A. - 1996
Computer simulation of latent inhibition
Schmajuk, N.A., Lam Y.-W., Gray J.A. - 1996
Neural networks in memory and recall - Review
Rolls, E.T., Treves A. - 1994
Hippocampus and inhibition in memory retrieval - Review
Read, W., Nenov V.I., Halgren E. - 1994
Imprinting and recognition memory model
Bateson, P., Horn G. - 1994
Spatial memory and stereotypic behavior of animals in radial arm mazes - Model
Lanke, J., Mansson L., Bjerkemo M., Kjellstrand P. - 1993
Neural model of the dynamic activation of memory
Hermann, M., Ruppin E., Usher M. - 1993
Computational approaches and behaviorally based modeling - Review
Reeke, G.N. Jr., Sporns O. - 1993
Computational models of the neural bases of learning and memory - Review
Gluck, M.A., Granger R. - 1993
Analysis of spontaneous motor activity of the rat
Paulus, M.P., Geyer M.A. - 1993
Minaprine on cerebral ischemia damages: passive avoidance in gerbils
Karasawa, Y., Araki H., Otomo S. - 1992
Computational modeling analysis of implicit and explicit memory
Metcalfe, J., Cottrell G.W., Mencl W.E. - 1992
Comparative cognition and assessment of cognitive processes in animals - Review
Olton, D.S., Markowska A.L., Pang K., Golski S., Voytko M.L., Gorman L.K. - 1992
Commentary to comparative cognition and assessment of cognitive processes in animals
Warburton, D.M. - 1992
Automated recording and analysis of feeding behavior - Methods
Hulsey, M.G., Martin R.J. - 1991
Spectra analysis of electroencefalographic activity
Ambrosini, M.V., Bambagioni D., Mariucci G., Colarieti L., Giuditta A. - 1991
Idiothetic navigation in gerbils and humans
Mittelstaedt, M.-L., Glasauer S. - 1991
Adaptable microcomputer program for recording behaviors
Tarapacki, J.A., Kristal M.B. - 1990
A computer-aided procedure for measuring discrimination learning
Denenberg, V.H., Talgo N.W., Schrott L.M., Kenner G.H. - 1990
Interpreting animal wall-following behavior model
Creed, R.P. Jr., Miller J.R. - 1990
Models of learning and forgetting functions - Review
Ratcliff, R. - 1990
Method for extimating the effects of omitted variables
Mauro, R. - 1990
Discrimination learning - operant conditioning in pigeons
Pearce, J.M., Wilson P.N. - 1990
Computerized analysis of sleep-wake cycles - Methods
Ambrosini, M.V., Bambagioni D., Colarieti L., Giuditta A. - 1990
Digital tracking versus human observers on animal locomotion
Renner, M.J., Pierre P.J., Schilcher P.J. - 1990
Exponential data-analysis of passive avoidance
Allweis, C., Chernichovsky D., Shulz D. - 1989
New statistic to measure locomotor stereotypy
Mueller, K., Hollingsworth E.M., Cross D.R. - 1989
Information processing in goal-directed movements
Bock, O., Daunicht W.J. - 1987