Entorhinal, perirhinal and postrhinal cortices on habituation and operant conditioning in rats
Bucci, D.J., Burwell R.D. - 2004
Dopaminergic D2 receptor and NMDA receptor of perirhinal and entorhinal cortices in operant conditioning of monkeys
Liu, Z., Richmond B.J., Murray E.A., Saunders R.C., Steenrod S., Stubblefield B.K., Montague D.M., Ginns E.I. - 2004
Inhibitory role of entorhinal and perirhinal cortices on neocortex-hippocampus links - Review
De Curtis, M., Parè D. - 2004
Synaptic activation patterns of perirhinal-entorhinal inter-connections in rats
De Villers-Sidani, E., Tahvildari B., Alonso A. - 2004
Perirhinal-amygdalar-entorhinal-hippocampal circuit in brain slices of rats
Kajiwara, R., Takashima I., Mimura Y., Witter M.P., Iijima T. - 2003
Projections from the periamygdaloid cortex to the amygdala, hippocampus and parahippocampal region in rats
Majak, K., Pitkanen A. - 2003
Perirhinal cortex lesions and spatial memory retrograde amnesia in rats
Glenn, M.J., Nesbitt C., Mumby D.G. - 2003
Human hippocampal and parahippocampal activity during spatial and non spatial recognition memory
Duzel, E., Habib R., Rotte M., Guderian S., Tulving E., Heinze H.-J. - 2003
Age-related cannabinoid receptor expression in hippocampus and entorhinal, perirhinal, temporal and postrhinal cortices in rats
Liu, P., Bilkey D.K., Darlington C.L., Smith P.F. - 2003
Perirhinal cortex lesions on perception and memory in monkeys
Bussey, T.J., Saksida L.M., Murray E.A. - 2003
Hippocampal and posterior parahippocampal lesions on location memory in monkeys
Malkova, L., Mishkin M. - 2003
Transection of connession between temporal and entorhinal cortices in rats: cell body degeneration
Myhrer, T., Danscher G., Fonnum F. - 2003
Nitric oxide synthase expression in hippocampus, entorhinal and postrhinal cortices after perirhinal cortex lesions in rats
Liu, P., Zheng Y., Smith P.F., Bilkey D.K. - 2003
D-serine on discrimination task amnesia by perirhinal cortex lesions in rats
Andersen, J.M., Fonnum F., Myhrer T. - 2003
Hippocampus and perirhinal cortex lesions on olfactory learning in rats
Kaut, K.P., Bunsey M.D., Riccio D.C. - 2003
Anterior thalamus and parahippocampal cortex lesions on radial arm maze performance in rats
Mair, R.G., Burk J.A., Porter M.C. - 2003
Perirhinal cortex on visual discrimination in monkeys
Eacott, M.J., Norman G., Gaffan E.A. - 2003
Perirhinal cortex and anterior thalamic lesions in radial maze performance of rats
Moran, J.P., Dalrymple-Alford J.C. - 2003
Perirhinal cortex lesions and context aversion learning in rats
Howse, D.J., Squires A.S., Martin G.M., Skinner D.M. - 2003
Perirhinal cortex and hippocampus lesions on object recognition and spatial memory in rats
Gilbert, P.E., Kesner R.P. - 2004
Perirhinal cortex and hippocampal roles in recognition memory in the rat
Gilbert, P.E., Kesner R.P. - 2003
Place cells, neocortex and spatial navigation - Review
Poucet, B., Lenck-Santini P.-P., Paz-Villagran V., Save E. - 2003
Scopolamine into perirhinal cortex on recogntion memory and long-term depression and long-term potentiation in rats
Warburton, E.C., Koder T., Cho K., Massey P.V., Duguid G., Barker G.R.I., Aggleton J.P., Bashir Z.I., Brown M.W. - 2003
Brain c-fos expression and spatial learning in rats
Jenkins, T.A., Amin E., Harold G.T., Pearce J.M., Aggleton J.P. - 2003
Spatial task and Fos activation in hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and peririhinal cortex of rats
Jenkins, T.A., Amin E., Harold G.T., Pearce J.M., Aggleton J.P. - 2003
Organization of subicular projections to the parahippocampal region of the rat
Kloosterman, F., Witter M.P., Van Haeften T. - 2003
Nitric oxide synthase and arginase in hippocampus, entorhinal, peririhinal, postrhinal and temporal cortices of rats: age-related changes
Liu, P., Smith P.F., Appleton I., Darlington C.L., Bilkey D.K. - 2003
Projection from TE area to perirhinal cortex and visual pair-association task in monkeys
Yoshida, M., Naya Y., Miyashita Y. - 2003
Perirhinal cortex activity and recognition in monkeys
Holscher, C., Rolls E.T., Xiang J. - 2003
Cerebral cortex in fear conditioning of rats
Bucherelli, C., Sacchetti B., Baldi E., Ambrogi Lorenzini C. - 2002