Fornix, perhinal cortex and post-rhinal cortex lesions in context and object memory of the rat
Norman, G., Eacott M.J. - 2005
Cortical auditory engram in monkeys
Fritz, J., Mishkin M., Saunders R.C. - 2005
Cortical, entorhinal and hippocampal c-fos expression after prirhinal cortex aspiration, electrolytic or excitotoxic lesions in the rat
Glenn, M.J., Lehmann H., Mumby D.G., Woodside B. - 2005
Hippocampal and perirhinal lesions on spatial memory of the rat
Ramos, J.M.J., Vaquero J.M.M. - 2005
Medial temporal lobe on spatial and object perception in humans
Lee, A.C.H., Buckley M.J., Pegman S.J., Spiers H., Scahill V.L., Gaffan D., Bussey T.J., Davies R.R., Kapur N., Hodges J.R., Graham K.S. - 2005
Entorhinal, perirhinal and subicular projections to medial thalamus in monkeys
Saunders, R.C., Mishkin M., Aggleton J.P. - 2005
Cortical efferents of parahippocampal cortex in monkeys
Munoz, M., Insausti R. - 2005
Perception and memory in medial temporal lobe - Review
Bussey, T.J., Saksida L.M. - 2005
Perirhinal cortex AMPA and NMDA receptors role in object recognition memorization of rats
Winters, B.D., Bussey T.J. - 2005
CREB role in perirhinal cortex in long-term potentiation and recognition memory of rats
Warburton, E.C., Glover C.P.J., Massey P.V., Wan H., Johnson B., Bienemenn A., Deuschle U., Kew J.N.C., Aggleton J.P., Bashir Z.I., Uney J., Brown M.W. - 2005
Muscimol perirhinal cortex inactivation on fear potentiated startle in rats
Schulz, B., Fendt M., Richardson R., Schnitzler H.U. - 2004
Perirhinal and medial prefrontal cortex inactivation on discrimination task in rats
Hannesson, D.K., Howland J.G., Phillips A.G. - 2004
Amygdala, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and perirhinal cortex functional magnetic resonance imaging and emotional memory in humans
Dolcos, F., LaBar K.S., Cabeza R. - 2004
Medial temporal lobe - Review
Murray, E.A., Wise S.P. - 2004
Emotion on remembering in humans: role of the amygdala and posterior parahippocampal cortex
Sharot, T., Delgado M.R., Phelps E.A. - 2004
Benzodiazepine into the perirhinal cortex and systemic administration on c-fos expression, object recognition and plasticity in rats
Wan, H., Warburton E.C., Zhu X.O., Koder T.J., Park Y., Aggleton J.P., Cho K., Bashir Z.I., Brown M.W. - 2004
Parahippocampal lesions on passive avoidance fear conditioning and Morris water maze performance in rats
Burwell, R.D., Saddoris M.P., Bucci D.J., Wiig K.A. - 2004
Parahippocampal functional magnetic resonance imaging and human spatial navigation
Janzen, G., van Turennout M. - 2004
Parahippocampal representation after delayed match to sample task in humans
Schon, K., Hasselmo M.E., LoPresti M.L., Tricarico M.D., Stern C.E. - 2004
Hippocampal, perirhinal and parahippocampal lesions on visual recognition in monkeys
Nemanic, S., Alvarado M.C., Bachevalier J. - 2004
Fornix, perirhinal and postrhinal lesions on object-place recognition in rats
Eacott, M.J., Norman G. - 2004
Perirhinal cortex lesions on object recognition in rats
Norman, G., Eacott M.J. - 2004
Perirhinal cortex lesions on fear conditioning ultrasonic social signals as conditioned stimulus in rats
Lindquist, D.H., Jarrard L.E., Brown T.H. - 2004
Medial vs. lateral temporal lobe lesions and memory deficits in humans
Levy, D.A., Bayley P.J., Squire L.R. - 2004
Hippocampus and perirhinal cortex role in visual recognition memory task in rats
Prusky, G.T., Douglas R.M., Nelson L., Shabanpoor A., Sutherland R.J. - 2004
Hippocampal, peri- and post-rhinal cortex lesions on object recognition and spatial memory in rats
Winters, B.D., Forwood S.E., Cowell R.A., Saksida L.M., Bussey T.J. - 2004
Hippocampus, subiculum, entorhinal, perirhinal and postrhinal cortices in rat's spatial learning
Jarrard, L.E., Davidson T.L., Bowring B. - 2004
Perirhinal cortex role in spatial memory - Review
Aggleton, J.P., Kyd R.J., Bilkey D.K. - 2004
Perirhinal and postrhinal cortices on rat's fear conditioning
Burwell, R.D., Bucci D.J., Sanborn M.R., Jutras M.J. - 2004
Objects and positions in visual scenes: entorhinal, perirhinal and postrhinal cortices roles in rats
Gaffan, E.A., Healey A.N., Eacott M.J. - 2004