Strain differences and early life under-nutrition on behavior in rats
Tonkiss, J., Smart J.L. - 1983
Opioids effects in different mouse strains - Commentary
Oliverio, A., Castellano C., Puglisi-Allegra S. - 1983
Septal lesions on active and passive avoidance of rats of different strains
Sterc, J., Novakova V. - 1983
Hippocampus or thalamic parafascicularis nucleus lesions on active avoidance in Roman high- and low-avoidance rats
Guenaire, C., Delacour J. - 1983
Sex and strain differences in two-way avoidance acquisition and extinction of rats
Myslivecek, J., Vostalova V., Hromadova J. - 1983
Fimbria-fornix lesions on spatial learning in mice of different strains
Reinstein, D.K., DeBoissiere T., Robinson N., Wurtman R.J. - 1983
Genetic differences and septal lesions on mice maze performance
Fanelli, R.J., Burright R.G., Donovick P.J. - 1983
Vasopressin and oxytocin brain content in hypertensive and normotensive rats of different age
Mohring, J., Schoun J., Kintz J., Robinson I.C.A.F., McNeill J.R. - 1983
Arousal in Naples high- and low-excitable rats
Sadile, A.G., Cerbone A., Manzi G., Grimaldi A. - 1983
Pain perception in hypertensive and normotensive rats
Maixner, W., Touw K.B., Brody M.J., Gebhart G.F., Long J.P. - 1982
Norepinrphrine, serotonin and dopamine on circadian rhythms in mice
Kempf, E., Mandel P., Oliverio A., Puglisi-Allegra S. - 1982
Different strains on sympathetic nervous system and response to stress in rats
Blizard, D.A., Altman H.J., Freedman L.S. - 1982
Attack and defense behavior in rats of different strains
Takahashi, L.K, Blanchard R.J. - 1982
Roman high- and low-avoidance rats - Review
Driscoll, P., Battig K. - 1982
Ambient temperature on active avoidance performance in mice of different strains
Roussel, B., Turillot P., Kitahama K. - 1982
Strain differences in Sidman avoidance in rats: cholinergic and adrenergic systems
Kuribara, H. - 1982
Early handling on response to novel environment in female mice of different strains
Hennessy, M.B., Vogt J., Levine S. - 1982
Mouse killing in male and female rats of different strain
Walsh, L.L. - 1982
Sex and strain differences on drug-induced rotation in rats
Brass, C.A., Glick S.D. - 1981
Brattleboro and Long-Evans rats: open field, avoidance and endocrine function
Bailey, W.H., Weiss J.M. - 1981
Locomotor activity, defecation and corticosterone levels in rat exposed to an open field: strain differences, individually and grouped housing
Gentsch, C., Lichtsteiner M., Feer H. - 1981
Eating and drinking evoked by electrical stimulation of hypothalamus in rats
Mittleman, G., Valenstein E.S. - 1981
Ethanol selection and rat strains
Kulkosky, P.J. - 1981
Different strains on plasma catecholamines and response to stress in rats
Blizard, D.A., Liang B., Emmel D.K. - 1980
Social status, activity and preputial glands of different strains of mice
Barnett, S.A., Dickson R.G., Warth K.G. - 1980