Partial reinforcement in water maze - Technique
Gonzalez, C.L.R., Kolb B., Whishaw I.Q. - 2000
One-day spatial learning in rodents - Methods
Frick, K.M., Stillner E.T., Berger-Sweeney J. - 2000
Permanent or reversible deactivation techniques and neural function
Lomber, S.G. - 1999
Reversible inactivation of subcortical sites by drug injection
Malpeli, J.G. - 1999
Spatial and temporal parameters of cortical inactivation by GABA in cats
Hupé, J.-M., Chouvet G., Bullier J. - 1999
Cooling deactivation and auditory cortex and thalamus functional connectivity in rats, guinea pigs and cats
Villa, A.E.P., Tetko I.V., Dutoit P., De Ribaupierre Y., De Ribaupierre F. - 1999
Cryoloop: a reversible cooling deactivation method of neural function assessment
Lomber, S.G., Payne B.R., Horel J.A. - 1999
2-deoxyglucose uptake during cooling deactivation
Payne, B.R., Lomber S.G. - 1999
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in humans - Review
Pascual-Leone, A., Bartres-Faz D., Keenan J.P. - 1999
Cerebral function revealed by transcranial magnetic stimulation - Technique
Cracco, R.Q., Cracco J.B., Maccabee P.J., Amassian V.E. - 1999
Animal models of Alzheimer's disease - Review
McDonald, M.P., Overmier J.B. - 1998
Trace eyeblink classical conditioning in the monkeys - Technique
Clark, R.E., Zola S. - 1998
Lidocaine neural inactivation of monkey cerebral cortex
Tehovnik, E.J., Sommer M.A. - 1997
Analysis of mnemonic processing by tetrodotoxin inactivation
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Baldi E., Bucherelli C., Sacchetti B., Tassoni G. - 1997
Locomotor and exploratory activity in the rat - Methods
Brudzynski, S.M., Krol S. - 1997
Stretched attend posture test: model of anxiety in rats and mice
Grewal, S.S., Shepherd J.K., Bill D.J., Fletcher A., Dourish C.T. - 1997
Neuroanatomical method to assess damage by neurotoxic lesions - Technique
Frey, S., Morris R., Petrides M. - 1997
New two-trial memory task concerning environmental context on recognition processes in rats
Dellu, F., Fauchey V., Le Moal M., Simon H. - 1997
Computerized system for monitoring of place conditioning and locomotor activity in rats - Technique
Brockwell, N.T., Ferguson D.S., Beninger R.J. - 1996
Apparatus for studying behavior and learning in restrained rats - Technique
Soltysik, S., Jackson R., Jelen P. - 1996
Repeated acquisition as a method to evaluate centrally acting compounds - Technique
Cohn, J., MacPhail R.C., Paule M.G. - 1996
Hippocampal firing registration - Technical comment
Moore, G.P., Rosenberg J.R., Hary D., Breeze P. - 1996
Attention and stimulus processing in the rat - Methods
Muir, J.L. - 1996
Electrical stimulation of neural tissue to evoke behavioral responses
Tehovnik, E.J. - 1996
Positron emission tomography, regional cerebral blood flow in human working memory
Klingberg, T., Kawashima R., Roland P.E. - 1996
"Nose-poke habituation" and hypo/hypermnesia in rats by diazepam or colecistokinin - Technique
Voits, M., Fink H., Gerhardt P., Huston J.P. - 1995
Novel apparatus for measuring rat locomotor behavior
Brodkin, J., Nash J.F. - 1995
Sensorimotor function test for rats
Murphy, M.P., Rick J. Th., Milgram N.W., Ivy G.O. - 1995
A computer-controlled maze environment for testing visual memory - Technique
Gaffan, E.A., Eacott M.J. - 1995
Brain microdialysis and animal behavior - Review
Westerink, B.H.C. - 1995