Cerebellar tetrodotoxin inactivation and fear conditioning in rats - Commentary
Vazdarjanova, A. - 2002
Cerebellar function in consolidation of eyeblink conditioning in rats
Attwell, P.J.E., Cooke S.F., Yeo C.H. - 2002
Cortical spreading depression and eyeblink conditioning in rabbits
Case, G.R., Lavond D.G., Thompson R.F. - 2002
Interpositus nucleus inactivation and eyeblink conditioning in rabbits
Wikgren, J., Ruusuvirta T., Korhonen T. - 2002
CREB phosphorylation after forced swimming in neocortex, amygdala, hippocampus and cerebellum of the rat
Bilang-Bleuel, A., Rech J., De Carli S., Holsboer F., Reul J.M.H.M. - 2002
Cerebellum- and amygdala-dependent conditioning - Review
Medina, J.F., Repa J.C., Mauk M.D., LeDoux J.E. - 2002
Delay, trace eyeblink conditioning on awareness and brain system - Review
Clark, R.E., Manns J.R., Squire L.R. - 2002
Role of cortex and cerebellum in fear potentiate startle reflex of humans
Frings, M., Maschke M., Erichsen M., Jentzen W., Muller S.P., Kolb F.P., Diener H.-C., Timmann D. - 2002
Climbing and parallel fiber inputs on cerebellar cortex activity in spatial navigation of the rat
Rondi-Reig, L., Le Marec N., Caston J., Mariani J. - 2002
Hemicerebellectomy and vestibular stimulation on spatial working memory in rats
Aversano, M., Sacchi R., Memoli R., Graziano A., Petrosini L. - 2002
Hemicerebellectomy and spatial learning in the rat
Graziano, A., Leggio M.G., Mandolesi L., Neri P., Molinari M., Petrosini L. - 2002
Cerebellar lesions on spatial working memory in rats
Aversano, M., Sacchi R., Memoli R., Graziano A., Petrosini L. - 2002
GABA function in cerebellum on eyeblink conditioning
Bao, S., Chen L., Kim J.J., Thompson R.F. - 2002
Oliva GABA activity on extinction of eyeblink conditioning - Commentary
Kitazawa, S. - 2002
GABA and AMPA antagonists into oliva cerebellaris on exticntion of eyeblink conditioning in rabbits
Medina, J.F., Nores W.L., Mauk M.D. - 2002
Long-term depression in rat cerebellar cortex
Vigot, R., Batini C., Kado R.T., Yamamori T. - 2002
Neuronal plasticity of cerebellar-cortical networks - Review
Molinari, M., Filippini V., Leggio M.G. - 2002
Nitric oxide on cerebellar long-term potentiation
Lev-Ram, V., Wong S.T., Storm D.R., Tsien R.Y. - 2002
Eye opening and cerebellar learning - Review
Carey, M.R., Lisberger S.G. - 2002
Interpositus nucleus activity and conditioned inhibition of eyeblink response
Nicholson, D.A., Freeman J.H. Jr. - 2002
Synapse formation in cerebellum and memory storage
Kleim, J.A., Freeman J.H.Jr., Bruneau R., Nolan B.C., Cooper N.R., Zook A., Walters D. - 2002
Motor learning and cerebellar cortex plasticity
Federmeier, K.D., Kleim J.A., Greenough W.T. - 2002
Neonatal ethanol on interpositus nucleus activity and eyeblink conditioning in adult rats
Green, J.T., Johnson T.B., Goodlett C.R., Steinmetz J.E. - 2002
AMPA cerebellar cortical lobule HVI inactivation on eyeblink conditioning in rabbits
Attwell, P.J.E., Rahman S., Yeo C.H. - 2001
Cerebellum and amygdala role in conditioned suppression in the rat
Mintz, M., Wang-Ninio Y. - 2001
Pathological laughter and crying and cerebellum in humans
Parvizi, J., Anderson S.W., Martin C.O., Damasio H., Damasio A.R. - 2001
Dentate nucleus lesions on spatial navigation in the rat
Joyal, C.C., Strazielle C., Lalonde R. - 2001
Cerebellar lesions and eye reaching movemnt in primates
Lewis, R.F., Tamargo R.J. - 2001
Glutamate receptor mutant mice and eyeblink conditioning
Kishimoto, Y., Kawahara S., Suzuki M., Mori H., Mishina M., Kirino Y. - 2001
Brief cerebellar cortical stimulation during rabbit classical eyeblink conditioning
Katz, D.B., Tarcy J.A., Steinmetz J.E. - 2001