Spatial memory deficit in senescent rats
Barnes, C.A., Nadel L., Honig W.K. - 1980
Pre-test exposure to background stimuli and retrieval in rats
Deweer, B., Sara S.J., Hars B. - 1980
Context and conditioning: a place for space - Review
Nadel, L., Willner J. - 1980
Multiple and interrelated asymmetries in rat brain
Glick, S.D., Meibach R.C., Cox R.D., Maayani S. - 1979
Sex differences of rodent behavior - Review
Beatty, W.W. - 1979
Glycoprotein NANA on open field activity and Y-maze learning in rats
Morgan, B.L.G., Winick M. - 1979
Hippocampus and space-time processing - Review
Moore, J.W. - 1979
Spontaneous alternation behavior of rats
Sherrick, M. F. - 1979
Rat rotation monitoring - Technique
Walsh, M.F., Silbergeld E.K. - 1979
Retroactive interference on spatial memory in rats
Maki, W.S., Brokofsky S., Berg B. - 1979
Retroactive interference on appetitive discrimination memory in rats
Smith, G.J., Spear N.E. - 1979
Norepinephrine of lateral hypothalamus and feeding in rats
Cytawa, J., Jurkowlaniec E. - 1978
D-amphetamine and unilateral nigro-striatal lesions on circadian locomotor activity in rats
Glick, S.D., Cox R.D. - 1978
Exposure time effects in T-maze behavior of the rat
Lukaszewska, I. - 1978
Fornix lesions on avoidance and spatial learning in rats
Henderson, J., Greene E. - 1977
Chlorpromazine and imipramine on spatial learning acquisition, consolidation and retrieval in mice of different strain
Castellano, C. - 1977
Maze geometry and experience on locomotion and exploration in rats
Uster, H.J., Battig K., Nageli H.H. - 1976
Activity, exploration, curiosity and fear - Review
Barnett, S.A., Cowan P.E. - 1976
Nicotine on spatial avoidance in mice of different strains
Castellano, C. - 1976
Caudate lesions on passive avoidance and side preference in rats
Rothman, A.H., Glick S.D. - 1976
Spatial memory: remembrance of passed places
Olton, D.S., Samuelson R.J. - 1976
Locus coeruleus lesions on appetitive spatial learning and hippocampal/cortical norepinephrine levels in rats
Amaral, D.G., Foss J.A. - 1975
Dorsal fornix transection on locomotion, avoidance amd maze behavior in rats
Myhrer, T., Kaada B. - 1975
Automated apparatus for recording rotation - Technique
Greenstein, S., Glick S.D. - 1975
"Maze memory system" in white rat - Review
Thompson, R. - 1974
Lateralization after unilateral dorsomedial prefrontal lesions in rats
Cowey, A., Bozek T. - 1974
Spatial preference in T-maze and nigrostriatal dopamine in rats
Zimmerberg, B., Glick S.D., Jerussi T.P. - 1974
Amygdala and lateral hypothalamus lesions on sensorimotor syndrome in rats
Turner, B. - 1973
Decay of memory and recovery in cicloheximide-treated mice
Squire, L.R., Barondes S.H. - 1972
Illumination on Y-maze habituation in rats
Williams, D.I. - 1971