Asymmetrical effects of cortical island lesions in rats
Kubos, K.L., Robinson R.G. - 1984
Spatial orientation in animal learning and behavior -Review
Bowe, C.A. - 1984
Item and order in 8-arm maze spatial memory of rats
Maki, W.S., Beatty W.W., Clouse B.A. - 1984
Reversal of amphetamine-induced circling preference in rats
Yamamoto, B.K., Freed C.R. - 1984
Sex, early handling and catecholamine asymmetry on lateralizaion in rats
Camp, D.M., Robinson T.E., Becker J.B. - 1984
Handling on 8-arms maze behavior and hippocampal trace metals in rats
Chafetz, M.D., Bernard D.L. - 1984
Background stimuli as reminder cues in rats
Deweer, B., Sara S.J., Hars B. - 1984
Water maze procedure for studying spatial learning in the rat - Technique
Morris, R. - 1984
Lifelong restricted feeding on complex maze performance in rats
Goodrick, C.L. - 1984
Spatial memory, serotoninergic and dopaminergic systems in rats
Beatty, W.W., Rush J.R. - 1983
d-amphetamine on spatial memory in rats
Beatty, W.W., Rush J.R. - 1983
Path integration in homing pigeons
Mittelstaedt, H. - 1983
Unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions on conditioned turning in rats
Dunnett, S.B., Bjorklund A. - 1983
Lateralization of spatial preference in female rats
Sherman, G.F., Garbanati J.A., Rosen G.D., Hoffman M., Yutzey D.A., Denenberg V.H. - 1983
Sex and lateralization on cocaine-induced rotation in rats
Glick, S.D., Hinds P.A., Shapiro R.M. - 1983
Pituitary-adrenal axis and perinatal malnutrition in rats
Wiener, S.G., Robinson L., Levine S. - 1983
Stress induced by footshock on exploration in mice
Bruto, V., Anisman H. - 1983
Open field automated recording in rodents - Methods
Whitmoyer, D.I., Masco D., Carrer H.F. - 1983
Exploration, response to stress, spatial learning, active and passive avoidance in Brattleboro and control rats
Brito, G.N.O. - 1983
Rotation and pallidal neuron firing recording - Methods
McKenzie, J.S., Everett P.W., Dally L.J. - 1983
Y-maze avoidance and escape behavior in rats
Tang, A.H., Franklin S.R. - 1983
Fimbria-fornix lesions on spatial learning in mice of different strains
Reinstein, D.K., DeBoissiere T., Robinson N., Wurtman R.J. - 1983
Genetic differences and septal lesions on mice maze performance
Fanelli, R.J., Burright R.G., Donovick P.J. - 1983
Spatial and temoral relations in operant conditioning reinforcement of pigeons
Bowe, C.A., Dinsmoor J.A. - 1983
Naloxone on 8-arms maze behavior in rats
Gallagher, M., King R.A., Young N.B. - 1983
Opioid system and spatial memory in rats
Beatty, W.W. - 1983
Heritable determinants of left-right bias in the rat
Glick, S.D. - 1983
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions on acetylcholine cortical output, electrical activity and learning in rats
Lo Conte, G., Casamenti F., Bigi V., Milaneschi E., Pepeu G. - 1982
Phisostigmine, apomorphine, scopolamine and mphetamine on radial maze performance in rats
Buresova, O., Bures J. - 1982
d-amphetamine and memory in rats
Sara, S.J., Deweer B. - 1982