Dopamine into the amygdala and laterality in rats
Bradbury, A.J., Costall B., Domeney A.M., Naylor R.J. - 1985
Electroconvulsive shock: working and spatial memory in rats
Beatty, W.W., Bierley R.A., Rush J.R. - 1985
Unilateral neocortex lesion and motor asimmetry
Kolb, B., Whishaw I.Q. - 1985
Nucleus basalis and septal lesions on avoidance and spatial learning in rats
Hepler, D.J., Wenk G.L., Cribbs B.L., Olton D.S., Coyle J.T. - 1985
Accumbal 6-hydroxydopamine lesions on spatial learning in rats
Taghzouti, K., Louilot A., Herman J.P., Le Moal M., Simon H. - 1985
Hippocampal lesions on spatial task acquisition and retention in rats
Gage, P.D. - 1985
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis and septal lesions on spatial discrimination in rats
Hepler, D.J., Olton D.S., Wenk G.L., Coyle J.T. - 1985
Entorhinal and subicular lesions and spatial learning in the rat
Schenk, F., Morris R.G.M. - 1985
Schedule on operant delayed alternation in rats
Miller, R.R., Greco C., Marlin N.A., Balaz M.A. - 1985
Water radial maze for rats - Methods
Buresova, O., Bures J., Oitzl M.S., Zahalka A. - 1985
Reversal learning in rats of different age
Stephens, D.N., Weidmann R., Quatermain D., Sarter M. - 1985
Heritable differences in turning behavior of rats
Glick, S.D. - 1985
Spatial memory and novel spatial acquisition in rats: age differences
Beatty, W.W., Bierley A.R., Boyd J.G. - 1985
Opiate antagonists on spatial memory of young and aged rats
Gallagher, M., Bostock E., King R. - 1985
Age-related impairment in complex maze behavior in rodents
Ingram, D.K. - 1985
Cholinergic and monoaminergic antagonists and tranquillizers on spatial learning in rats
Hiraga, Y., Iwaski T. - 1984
Visual experience and unilateral cortical lesions on spatial learning and exploration in rats
Tees, R.C. - 1984
Spatial motor asymmetry in rats
Ryabinskaya, E.A., Valuyskaya T.S., Ashihmina O.V. - 1984
Sex difference and asymmetry - vaudate putamen and cathecolamines in rats
Dark, K.A., Elleman G., Peeke H.V.S., Galin D., Reus V.I. - 1984
Pallidal, thalamic, nigral and midbrain central gray lesions on exploratory, orienting behavior in 21-day-old rats
Thompson, R., Yu J. - 1984
Spatial learning and motor deficit in aged rats
Gage, F.H., Dunnett S.B., Bjorklund A. - 1984
Neurobehavioral techniques to study animal behavior changes by chemicals - Review
Tilson, H.A., Mitchell C.L. - 1984
Median raphe, pontine reticular and lateral ponto-msencephalic lesions on active avoidance and spatial learning in rats
Thompson, R., Ramsay A., Yu J. - 1984
Prefrontal, thalamic and subicular lesions on active avoidance and spatial learning in cats
Irle, E., Markowitsch H.J. - 1984
Cholinergic neurotoxin on hippocampal and cortical acetylcholine in rats: passive avoidance and radial maze study
Walsh, T.J., Tilson H.A., DeHaven D.L., Mailman R.B., Fisher A., Hanin I. - 1984
Septal and cortical lesions on spatial learning in rats
Thomas, G.J., Spafford P.S. - 1984
Postero-dorsal septal lesions on working memory in T-maze of rats
Stanton, M.E., Thomas G.J., Brito G.N.O. - 1984
Cortical lesions on spatial orientation in rats
Thompson, R., Gallardo K., Yu J. - 1984
Thalamic lesions on spatial orientation in rats
Thompson, R., Gallardo K., Yu J. - 1984
Fimbria-fornix on spatial working memory in rats
Walker, J.A., Olton D.S. - 1984