Colchicine-induced alterations of reference memory in rats hippocampus
Nanry, K.P., Mundy W.R., Tilson H.A. - 1989
Anteromedial cortex lesions on pattern discrimination learning in rats
Christie, D., Steele Russell I. - 1989
Medial prefrontal and parietal cortices lesions on space orientation in rats
Kesner, R.P., Farnsworth G., DiMattia B.V. - 1989
Bulbectomy on spatial memory and olfaction in rats: transplantion effects
Amemori, T., Ermakova I.V., Buresova O., Zigova T., Racekova E., Bures J. - 1989
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions in rats: nerve growth factor on spatial learning
Mandel, R.J., Gage F.H., Thal L.J. - 1989
Ischemic lesion of hippocampus on spatial navigation in rats
Auer, R.N., Jensen M.L., Whishaw I.Q. - 1989
Hippocampal lesions on cue relationship learning in rats
Sutherland, R.J., McDonald R.J., Hill C.R., Rudy J.W. - 1989
Fimbria-fornix in place learning in rats
Sutherland, R.J., Rodriguez A.J. - 1989
Nicotinic-dopaminergic relationships on radial arm maze in rats
McGurk, S.R., Levin E.D., Butcher L.L. - 1989
Atropine on spatial navigation tasks in rats
Whishaw, I.Q. - 1989
Dopaminergic A10 neurons on circling evoked by substantia nigra stimulation in the rat
Piazza, P.V., Ferdico M., Russo D., Crescimanno G., Benigno A., Amato G. - 1989
Substantia nigra stimulation on circling behavior in cats
Piazza, P.V., Ferdico M., Russo D., Crescimanno G., Benigno A., Amato G. - 1989
Differential ontogeny of spatial working memory in rats
Green, R.J., Stanton M.E. - 1989
Food-reinforced 12-arm radial maze in rats
Brown, M.F. - 1989
Early life undernutrition on spatial learning in rats
Campbell, L.F., Bedi K.S. - 1989
Holeboard food search in rats: hole depth and food deprivation
Vawter, M.P., Van Ree J.M. - 1989
Leupeptin (protease inhibitor) in frontal cortex or dorsal hippocampus and spatial learning in the rat
Deyo, R.A., Conner R.L. - 1989
Spatial learning in foord reinforced in 8-arms radial maze and holeboard in rats: strain differences
Van Luijtelaar, E.L.J.M., Van der Staay F.J., Kerbusch J.M.L. - 1989
Latent learning and inhibition in maze discrimination pre-exposure to intra- and extra-maze cues in rats
Chamizo, V.D., Mackintosh N.J. - 1989
Morris water maze in the study of lesarning and memory - Review
Brandeis, R., Brandys Y., Yehuda S. - 1989
Foraging in a radial maze in the rat
Phelps, M.T., Roberts W.A. - 1989
Working memory in aged rats
Aggleton, J.P., Blind H.S., Candy J.M. - 1989
Dopamine agonists on reinforced radial-maze task in rats
Packard, M.G., White N.M. - 1989
Apomorphine and amphetamine on different types of circling in rats
Cools, A.R., Scheenen W., Eilam D., Golani I. - 1989
Life-long food restriction on spatial memory in Young and aged rats
Stewart, J., Mitchell J., Kalant N. - 1989
Automated rotometerfor turning behavior study - Technique
D'Anna, L., Loidl C.F., Pecci-Saavedra J., Gonzales S.A., Soqueff M.N., Campastro O.J., Fernandez R.A. - 1989
Prenatal alcohol exposure on radial maze performance of adult rats
Reyes, E., Wolfe J., Savage D.D. - 1989
AVP4-9 on appetitively motivated task in rats
Strupp, B.J. - 1989
Vestibular stimulation on acquisition of place navigation in the Morris water maze task of rats
Semenov, L.V., Bures J. - 1989
Travel time, food accessibility and preictability of food location in the radial maze of rats
Roberts, W.A., Ilersich T.J. - 1989