Entorhinal neuron firing during visual memory task in monkeys
Killian, N.J., Jutras M.J., Buffalo E.A. - 2012
Visuo-spatial working memory in monkeys and humans: event-related potential study
Reinhart, R.M.G., Heitz R.P., Purcell B.A., Weigand P.K., Schall J.D., Woodman G.F. - 2012
Frontal eye field activity and spatial saccade rewarded conditioning in monkeys
Clark, K.L., Noudoost B., Moore T. - 2012
V4-lateral prefrontal cortex connections and operant/visual memory task in monkeys
Liebe, S., Hoerzer G.M., Logothetis N.K., Rainer G. - 2012
Medial temporal lobe neuron firing during passive viewing task in monkeys
Thome, A., Erickson C.A., Lipa P., Barnes C.A. - 2012
Visual object recognition solving - Review
DiCarlo, J.J., Zoccolan D., Rust N.C. - 2012
Visual perception: neural substrates of associative memory - Review
Albright, T.D. - 2012
Prefrontal cortex and visual attention in monkeys
Katsuki, F., Constantinidis C. - 2012
Human primary motor cortex and visuomotor associative learning - Commentary
Taschereau-Dumouchel, V., Hetu S. - 2012
Transcranial magnetic stimulation of visual cortex on visual working memory in humans
Soto, D., Llewelyn D., Silvanto J. - 2012
Fronto-parietal network activity and visual working memory in humans
Salazar, R.F., Dotson N.M., Bressler S.L., Gray C.M. - 2012
Unexpected changes in environmental conditions on prepulse inhibition in rats and humans
De la Casa, L.G., Fernandez A., Larrauri J., Mena A., Puentes A., Quintero E., Schmajuk N. - 2012
Circadian rhythms and hippocampal plasticity in rats
Kott, J., Leach G., Yan L. - 2012
Emotions by body cues and facial expression in humans
Aviezer, H., Trope Y., Todorov A. - 2012
Basolateral amygdala inactivation on exploration in rats
Ribeiro, A.M., Barbosa F.F., Munguba H., Costa M.S.M.O., Cavalcante J.S., Silva R.H. - 2011
Prefrontal inactivation on infero-temporal neuron firing during visual spatial task in monkeys
Monosov, I.E., Sheinberg D.L., Thompson K.G. - 2011
Intra-basolateral amygdala and prefrontal cortex corticotropin-releasing factor on fear-potentiated stratle, prepulse inhibition and light-enhanced startle in rats
Bijlsma, E.Y., Van Leeuwen M.L.F., Westphal K.G.C., Olivier B., Groenink L. - 2011
Amygdalar excitability and emotional response in mice: role of calcium-calmodulin kinase II
Tye, K.M., Prakash R., Kim S.-Y., Fenno L.E., Grosenick L., Zarabi H., Thompson KR., Gradinaru V., Ramakrishnan C., Deisseroth K. - 2011
Basolateral amygdala endocannabinoid role in locomotion/exploration of rats
Munguba, H., Cabral A., Leao A.H.E.F., Barbosa F.F., Izidio G.S., Ribeiro A.M., Silva R.H. - 2011
Exploration and response to stress on amygdalar, hippocampal and hypothalamic c-fos expression in rats of different age
Meyza, K.Z., Boguszewski P.M., Nikolaev E., Zagrodzka J. - 2011
Superior colliculus neuron firing and primary visual cortex damage in monkeys: visuo-spatial stimulation study
Takaura, K., Yoshida M., Isa T. - 2011
Visual working memory and cortical activation in humans
Luria, R., Vogel E.K. - 2011
Visual and motor aspects in human movement reaching
Eisenberg, M., Shmuelof L., Vaadia E., Zohary E. - 2011
Locomotion, exploration, response to stress and passive avoidance in 3 and 12 months old rats
Moretti, M., de Souza A.G., de Chaves G., de Andrade V.M., Romao P.R.T., Gavioli E.C., Boeck C.R. - 2011
Exploratory activity in different lighting conditions of diverse mouse strains
Post, A.M., Weyers P., Holzer P., Painsipp E., Pauli P., Wultsch T., Reif A., Lesch K.-P. - 2011
Ethanol on exploration and neophobia in zebrafish
Mathur, P., Guo S. - 2011
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis in spontaneous and conditioned behaviors in mice
Sahay, A., Scobie K.N., Hill A.S., O'Carroll C.M., Kheirbek M.A., Burghardt N.S., Fenton A.A., Dranovsky A., Hen R. - 2011
Visual feedback on exploration in humans
Murnaghan, C.D., Horslen B.C., Inglis J.T., Carpenter M.G. - 2011
Entorhinal cortex neuron lesions and head direction in rats
Clark, B.J., Taube J.S. - 2011
Perirhinal cortex lesions and recognition memory in the rat
Albasser, M.M., Amin E., Iordanova M.D., Brown M.W., Pearce J.M., Aggleton J.P. - 2011