Interpositus nucleus activity and conditioned inhibition of eyeblink response
Nicholson, D.A., Freeman J.H. Jr. - 2002
Post-training dexamethasone on appetitive and aversive operant behaviors and Pavlovian suppression in rats
Zorawski, M., Killcross S. - 2002
Interactions on conditioned inhibitory effects in Pavlovian conditioning of rats
Tinsley, M.R., Timberlake W., Sitomer M., Widman D.R. - 2002
Latent inhibition and extinction in fear conditioning of rats: sex differences
Maes, J.H.R. - 2002
Alternating presentation of two different flavors on drinking conditioning in rats
Dwyer, D.M., Mackintosh N.J. - 2002
Cerebellum and amygdala role in conditioned suppression in the rat
Mintz, M., Wang-Ninio Y. - 2001
Lateral amygdala cell recording in fear conditioning in rats
Repa, J.C., Muller J., Apergis J., Desrochers T.M., Zhou Y., LeDoux J.E. - 2001
Amygdala central nucleus lesions on conditioned inhibition in rat's operative responding
Holland, P.C., Chik Y., Zhang Q. - 2001
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor knockout mice: nociception and stress
MacQueen, G.M., Ramakrishnan K., Croll S.D., Siuciak J.A., Yu G., Young L.T., Fahnestock M. - 2001
Blocking and conditioning: neuroimaging mapping Pavlovian conditioning in the rat brain
Jones, D., Gonzalez-Lima F. - 2001
Fluorodeoxyglucose brain imaging on conditioned suppression in rats
Jones, D., Gonzalez-Lima F. - 2001
Latent inhibition in Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats
McPhee, J.E., Rauhut A.S., Ayres J.J.B. - 2001
Benzodiazepines on conditioned suppression in cholinergic basal forebrain lesioned rats
Stowell, J.R., Bernston G.G., Sarter M. - 2000
Dorsal hippocampal lesions on contextual freezing and contextual blocking of fear potentiated startle in rats
McNish, K.A., Gewirtz J.C., Davis M. - 2000
AMPA/Kainate and GABA receptors in dorsal periaqueductal gray on fear potentiated startle in rats
Fendt, M. - 2000
Hippocampal lesions on context after fear extinction in the rat
Frohardt, R.J., Guarraci F.A., Bouton M.E. - 2000
Entorhinal and hippocampal lesions on Pavlovian conditioning latent inhibition in the rabbit
Shohamy, D., Allen M.T., Gluck M.A. - 2000
Periaqueductal gray lesions on conditioned freezing and suppression in rats
Amorapanth, P., Nader K., LeDoux J.E. - 1999
Nucleus accumbens core and shell lesions on conditioned suppression to context and conditioned stimulus in the rat
Parkinson, J.A., Robbins T.W., Everitt B.J. - 2000
Genetic influences and latent inhibition in mice
Gould, T.J., Wehner J.M. - 1999
Hippocampal lesions on conditioned suppression of conditioned stimulus and context conditioning in rats
Rawlins, J.N.P., Tanner J. - 1998
Sensory-enhanced context on learning and unconditioned behaviors in rats
Brasser, S.M., Spear N.E. - 1998
Fear conditioned behavior and different amygdala nuclei lesions in the rat
Killcross, S., Robbins T.W., Everitt B. - 1997
Hippocampal and entorhinal lesions on exploration and spatial and contextual learning in rats
Good, M., Honey R.C. - 1997
Medial prefrontal cortex lesions on active avoidance, spatial and conditioned fear tasks in rats
Joel, D., Tarrasch R., Felson J., Weiner I. - 1997
Conditioned inhibition of freezing and fear potentiated startle and medial prefrontal cortex lesions in rats
Gewirtz, J.C., Falls W.A., Davis M. - 1997
Second-order conditioning and sensory preconditioning in rats
Barnet, R.C., Cole R.P., Miller R.R. - 1997
Context change upon long-term memory of conditioned stimulus in rats
Rosas, J.M., Alonso G. - 1997
Licking suppression to different conditioned stimulus in rats: freezing and rearing measurement
Albert, M., Ayres J.J.B. - 1997
Learned helplessness comparative study - Review
Eisenstein, E.M., Carlson A.D. - 1997