Hippocampal nicotinic cholinergic mechanisms on spontaneous alternation and fear ontogenesis in rats
Blozovski, D., Hess C. - 1989
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis bilateral lesions on passive avoidance and spatial learning improvement by continuous infusion of cholinergic drugs in rats
Miyamoto, M., Narumi S., Nagaoka A., Coyle J.T. - 1989
Low-level microwave irradiation and central cholinergic system and learning in rats
Lai, H., Carino M.A., Horita A., Guy A.W. - 1989
ACTH4-9 and spatial alternation in cortical lesioned rats
McDaniel, W.F., Davall E.J., Walker P.E. - 1989
Spontaneous alternation and scopolamine, d-amphetamine, apomorphine effects in mice
McFarland, D.J. - 1989
Kainate amygdaloid lesions on spatial working memory in rats
Ermakova, I.V., Loseva E.V., Valouskova V., Bures J. - 1989
Amygdaloid and amygdaloid-hippocampal lesions on retention of spatial working memory in rats
Aggleton, J.P., Blind H.S., Rawlins J.N.P. - 1989
Central but not basolateral amygdala lesions on radial maze test in rats
Kesner, R.P., Walser R. D., Winzenried G. - 1989
Hippocampus and amygdala lesions on alternation in infant rats
Lobaugh, N.J., Greene P.L., Grant M., Nick T., Amsel A. - 1989
Amygdaloid lesions on food rewarded spatial memory in rats
Ermakova, I.V., Loseva E.V., Podachin V.P. - 1989
Hippocampal neurotoxicity by trimethyltin on locomotion, passive avoidance, sptial memory in the rats: protective effect of captopril
Earley, B., Burke M., Leonard B.E. - 1989
Neuropeptides induce directional asymmetry in brain and spinal cord lesions - Review
Bakalkin, G.Y.A. - 1989
Behavioral lateralization and dopaminergic system in rats
Castellano, M.A., Diaz-Palarea M.D., Barroso J., Rodriguez M. - 1989
Laterality, hand preference and turn bias in humans
Larson, C.F., Dodson D.L., Ward J.P. - 1989
Behavioral bias and left-right response differentiation in rats
Noonan, M., Axelrod S. - 1989
B-HT920 antagonizes rat neophobia in X-maze
Ferrari, F., Tartoni P.L., Mangiafico V. - 1989
Ketamine on tunnel maze and water maze performance in rats
Alessandri, B., Battig K., Welzl H. - 1989
Home base behavior of rats exploring a novel environment: grooming behavior
Eilam, D., Golani I. - 1989
Scopolamine on body turn and brightness in rats
Lukaszewska, I., Dlawichowska E. - 1989
Strategies for assessing learning and memory - Review
Peele, D.B., Vincent A. - 1989
Phosphatidylserine on spatial memory and passive avoidance in rats
Zanotti, A., Valzelli L., Toffano G. - 1989
Fimbria-fornix-lesioned young rats and aged rats in 14-unit T-maze
Kametani, H., Bresnahan E.L., Chachich M.E., Spangler E.L., Ingram D.K. - 1989
Ventral tegmental area lesions on food hoarding, social agonistic behavior and spatial laternation in rats: dopamine
Stam, C.J., de Bruin J.P.C., van der Gugten J., Kalsbeek A., van Haelst A.M. - 1989
Ibotenic acid in nucleus accumbens on spatial learning and extinction in rats
Annett, L.E., McGregor A., Robbins T.W. - 1989
Substantia nigra in rotational behavior and audiogenic seizures in rats
Garcia-Cairasco, N., Trivino-Santos H.F. - 1989
p-Chloroamphetamine serotonergic cytotoxic lesions and spatial discrimination in rats
Altman, H.J., Ogren S.O., Berman R.F., Normile H.J. - 1989
Septal and medial frontal cortical lesions on object exploration, habituation and reaction to novelty in rats
Poucet, B. - 1989
Scopolamine treatment and fimbria-fornix lesions on radial maze in rats
Cassel, J.C., Kelche C. - 1989
Apomorphine-induced rotation in normal and unilateral caudate-lesioned rats
Jerussi, T.P., Glick S.D. - 1989
Dorsal hippocampal lesions and environment variation of rat's long-term influences of spatial learning
Pacteau, C., Einon D., Sinden J. - 1989