Idiothetic navigation in gerbils and humans
Mittelstaedt, M.-L., Glasauer S. - 1991
Right-left preference in three rat strains
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Falchini S., Giachetti A., Tassoni G. - 1991
Motory lateralization in male and female mice
Signore, P., Nosten-Bertrand M., Chaoui M., Roubertoux P.L., Marchaland C., Perez-Diaz F. - 1991
Physical and visual preotection on rat's exploration of a multiple Y-maze
Ambrogí Lorenzini, C., Baldi E., Bucherelli C., Tassoni G. - 1991
Roman high- and low-avoidance rats on spatial working memory, exploration and spontaneous alternation
Willig, F., M'Harzi M., Delacour J. - 1991
Serotonin depletion and septal lesions on hippocampal activity: avoidance and spatial learning in rats
Richter-Levin, G., Segal M. - 1991
Hippocampus on object recognition memory in rats
Rothblat, L.A., Kromer L.F. - 1991
Medial dorsal thalamic lesions on working memory in the rat
Hunt, P.R., Aggleton J.P. - 1991
Functional dissociation of hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in learning and memory
Winocur, G. - 1991
Hippocampus and spatial problem-solving in rats
Buhot, M.C., Chapuis N., Scardigli P., Herrmann T. - 1991
Fimbria and thalamic lesions on working memory in rats
M'Harzi, M., Jarrard L.E., Willig F., Palacios A., Delacour J. - 1991
Fornix and amygdala lesions on acquisition of concurrent discriminations in rats
Aggleton, J.P., Kentridge R.W., Sembi S. - 1991
Exposure to high pressure on spatial learning in rats
Wardley-Smith, B., Dore C., Coleman J., Cowey A., Halsey M.J., Hudson S. - 1991
Post-training hippocampal and nucleus caudate injection of dopamine agonists on two different spatial learning in rats
Packard, M.G., White N.M. - 1991
Age-related changes in working and reference rat's memory
Ando, S., Ohashi Y. - 1991
Spatial memory during hippocampal long-term potentiation
Van Hulzen, Z.J.M., van der Staay F.J. - 1991
Hippocampal neuronal organization during spatial learning in rats
Moser, E.I. - 1991
Hippocampal synaptic plasticity in memory of rats: NMDA and long-term potentiation study
Morris, R.G.M. - 1991
NMDA and non-NMDA glutamate antagonists on concept spatial task in rats
Lalonde, R., Joyal C.C. - 1991
Perceptual learning in maze discrimination in rats
Trobalon, J.B., Sansa J., Chamizo V.D., Mackintosh N.J. - 1991
Spatial performance on long-term potentiation in young and aged F344 rats
Deupree, D.L., Turner D.A., Watters C.L. - 1991
Reversible inactivation of medial septum on spatial/non-spatial learning in rats
Mizumori, S.J.Y., Perez G.M., Alvarado M.C., Barnes C.A., McNaughton B.L. - 1990
Muscarinic and nicotinic receptors on reinforced alternation in the rat
Clarke, P.B.S., Fibiger H.C. - 1990
Unilateral nucleus basalis lesion on avoidance and Morris water maze learning in the rat
Nakamura, S., Ishihara T. - 1990
Adreno-cortico-tropic-hormone analogue on recovery by fimbria-fornix damage in avoidance and spatial memory in rats
Pitsikas, N., Spruijt B.M., Algeri S., Gispen W.H. - 1990
Muscarinic and β-adrenergic blockade on place learning and passive avoidance in rats
Decker, M.W., Grill T.M., McGaugh J.L. - 1990
Amines in aged rats brain: spatial learning decliny
Gallagher, M., Burwell R.D., Kodsi M.H., McKinney M., Southerland S., Vella-Rountree L., Lewis M.H. - 1990
Amphetamine and β-endorphine fragments on maze performance in rats
de Boer, S., Bohus B. - 1990
D-amphetamine on T-multiple maze learning in rats
Janicke, U.-A, Janicke B., Schulze G., Coper H. - 1990
Dorsal noradrenergic bundle on spatial learning, locomotor activity and neophobia in rats
Valjakka, A., Riekkinen P.Jr., Sirvio J., Nieminen S., Airaksinen M., Miettinen R., Riekkinen P. - 1990