Perirhinal cortex lesions on rat spatial task
Wiig, K.A., Bilkey D.K. - 1994
Nicotinic and muscarinic blockade on spatial memory in water maze of rats
Cozzolino, R., Guaraldi D., Giuliani A., Gherardi O., Ramacci M.T., Angelucci L. - 1994
(R)-α-methylhistamine on scopolamine effects on spatial learning in the rat
Smith, C.P.S., Hunter A.J., Bennett G.W. - 1994
NMDA antagonist on spatial memory in rats
Caramanos, Z., Shapiro M.L. - 1994
GABA-B agonist intraseptal injection and working memory in rats
Stackman, R.W., Walsh T.J. - 1994
Pregnenolone on acquisition and retention of spatial working memory in rats
Isaacson, R.L., Yoder P.E., Varner J. - 1994
Neural mechanisms for forming a perceptual decision in monkeys
Salzman, C.D., Newsome W.T. - 1994
Caffeine and L-phenylisopropyl-adenosine on memory retention in rats
Molinengo, L., Scordo I., Pastorello B. - 1994
Snapshot memory and place navigation learning in rats
Arolfo, M.P., Nerad L., Schenk F., Bures J. - 1994
Eight-arm radial maze in rats: a multiple pattern learning
Wathen, C.N., Roberts W.A. - 1994
Dopamine agonists on spatial discrimination in rats
Packard, M.G., McGaugh J.L. - 1994
Spatial localization in water maze and intra-accumbens dopaminergic antagonist haloperidol in rats
Ploeger, G.K., Spruijt B.M., Cools A.R. - 1994
Substance P improves maze performance in aged rats
Hasenhohrl, R.U., Frisch C., Nikolaus S., Huston J.P. - 1994
Elevated T-maze in rats: a new animal model of anxiety and memory
Viana, M.B., Tomaz C., Graeff F.G. - 1994
Nerve growth factor improved spatial memory in aged rats
Markowska, A.L., Koliatsos V.E., Breckler S.J., Price D.L., Olton D.S. - 1994
Hippocampal corticosteroid receptors and spatial learning of aged rats
Yau, J.L.W., Morris R.G.M., Seckl J.R. - 1994
Hippocampal firing, sleep and spatial memory in rats
Wilson, M.A., McNaughton B.L. - 1994
Serotonergic drugs on short-term spatial memory in rats
Jansen, J.H.M., Andrews J.S. - 1994
Transfer of visual and haptic maze learning in rats
Tran, T.D., Adducci L.C., DeBartolo L.D., Bower B.A., Delay E.R. - 1994
Inactivation of the neural cell adhesion molecule gene in mice on spatial learning and olfactory bulb in mice
Cremer, H., Lange R., Christoph A., Plomann M., Vopper G., Roes J., Brown R., Baldwin S., Kraemer P., Scheff S., Barthels D., Rajewsky K., Wille W. - 1994
Place navigation in Morris water maze by intermittent light in rats
Liu, Z., Turner L.F., Bures J. - 1994
Place navigation in the Morris water maze minimum and redundant extra-maze cues in rats
Fenton, A.A., Arolfo M.P., Nerad L., Bures J. - 1994
Striatopallidal damege on GABA release and spatial memory in rats
Aihara, N., Mizukawa K., Koide K., Mabe H., Nishino H. - 1994
Protein synthesis and long-term potentiation in mice: aversive conditioning and spatial learning
Bourtchuladze, R., Frenguelli B., Blendy J., Cioffi D., Schultz G., Silva A.J. - 1994
Hippocampal comple spike cell activity in non-spatial radial maze task of rats
Young, B.J., Fox G.D., Eichenbaum H. - 1994
Spatial firing characteristics of dorsal and ventral hippocampal cells in rats
Jung, M.W., Wiener S.I., McNaughton B.L. - 1994
Long-term potentiation saturation and spatial learning disruption in rats
Barnes, C.A., Jung M.W., McNaughton B.L., Korol D.L., Andreasson K., Worley P.F. - 1994
Mossy fiber long-term potentiation and spatial learning in rats
Mitsuno, K., Sasa M., Ishihara K., Ishikawa M., Kikuchi H. - 1994
A new platform for water maze - Technique
Spooner, R.I.W., Thomson A., Hall J., Morris R.G.M., Salter S.H. - 1994
Dendritic spine density in CA1 and spatial learning in rats
Moser, M.-B., Trommald M., Andersen P. - 1994