Environmental enrichment and postnatal handling on spatial learning of high- and low-avoidance Roman rats
Escorihuela, R.M., Tobena A., Fernandez-Teruel A. - 1995
Calcium binding protein S100β, synaptic plasticity and spatial learning in mice
Gerlai, R., Wojtowicz J.M., Marks A., Roder J. - 1995
Corticosterone on spatial learning, synaptic plasticity in young and mid-aged rats
Bodnoff, S.R., Humphreys A.G., Lehman J.C., Diamond D.M., Rose G.M., Meaney M.J. - 1995
Spatial learning in male and female Long-Evans rats
Bucci, D.J., Chiba A.A., Gallagher M. - 1995
Long-term potentiation, glutamate release, hippocampus and spatial learning in rats
Richter-Levin, G., Canevari L., Bliss T.V.P. - 1995
Septum and hippocampus on radial maze learning in rodents - Review
Schwegler, H., Crusio W.E. - 1995
Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor alters working memory in rats
Cobb, B.L., Ryan K.L., Frei M.R., Guel-Gomez V., Mickley G.A. - 1995
Cannabinoid into hippocampus on spatial memory in rats
Lichtman, A.H., Dimen K.R., Martin B.R. - 1995
NMDA antagonist into hippocampus on short- and long-term memory of spatial learning in rats
Kesner, R.P., Dakis M. - 1995
Hierarchical chunking in rat spatial memory
Macuda, T., Roberts W.A. - 1995
NMDA antagonist into hippocampus on spatial learning in rats
Saucier, D., Cain D.P. - 1995
NMDA antagonist AP5 on spatial learning in rats
Bannerman, D.M., Good M.A., Butcher S.P., Ramsay M., Morris R.G.M. - 1995
A computer-controlled maze environment for testing visual memory - Technique
Gaffan, E.A., Eacott M.J. - 1995
NMDA and non-NMDA receptors in nucleus accumbens on spatial learning in rats
Maldonado-Irizarry, C.S., Kelley A.E. - 1995
Working memory and non-matching-to-sample task in rats
Herremans, A.H., Hijzen T.H., Slangen J.L. - 1995
Hippocampal field potentials and spatial learning - Review
Moser, E.I. - 1995
Pyruvate into septal area on impairment of spontaneous alternation by intra-septal morphine injections in rats
Ragozzino, M.E., Hellems K., Lennartz R.C., Gold P.E. - 1995
Neurosteroids on spatial and reference memory of female rats
Frye, C.A., Sturgis J.D. - 1995
D-cycloserine and MK-801 on spatial learning in rats
Pitkanen, M., Sirvio J., MacDonald E., Niemi S., Ekonsalo T., Riekkinen P. Sr. - 1995
Spatial and contextual memory in calcium calmodulin kinase II mutante mice: hippocampal long-term potentiation
Bach, M.E., Hawkins R.D., Osman M., Kandel E.R., Mayford M. - 1995
Firing of hippocampal neurons and spatial learning in rats
Markus, E.J., Qin Y.L., Leonard B., Skaggs W.E., McNaughton B.L., Barnes C.A. - 1995
Protein kinase A mutant mice on spatial learning and freezing in mice
Huang, Y-Y., Kandel E.R., Varshavsky L., Brandon E.P., Qi M., Idzerda R.L., McKnight G.S., Bourtchouladze R. - 1995
Serotonin antagonist on hippocampal theta, memory and long-term potentiation in rats
Staubli, U., Xu F.B. - 1995
Amygdala modulation of hippocampus- and caudate-dependent spatial memory in rats
Packard, M.G., Cahill L., McGaugh J.L. - 1994
Lidocaine in the nucleus accumbens and radial maze in rats
Seamans, J.K., Phillips A.G. - 1994
Medial septal or unilateral hippocampal inactivation on rat's spatial memory
Poucet, B., Buhot M.-C. - 1994
Slowing of dentate field potentials by cooling on rat's spatial navigation
Moser, E.I., Andersen P. - 1994
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis and medial septum inactivation on working and reference memory - hippocamapl theta rhythm in rats
Givens, B., Olton D.S. - 1994
Interhippocampal transfer of place navigation in rats
Fenton, A.A., Bures J. - 1994
Supra- and infra-callosal-hippocampal pathways on learning and behavior in the rat: cholinergic system
Jeltsch, H., Cassel J.C., Jackisch R., Neufang B., Greene P.L., Kelche C., Hertting G., Will B. - 1994