Crouching by footshock in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Dielman T.E., Blanchard D.C. - 1968
The behavior of African giant rat
Ewer, R.F. - 1967
Sex and strain differences in exploration and general activity of rats
Gray, J.A. - 1965
Amygdaloid lesions on feeding, grooming and reproduction in male and female rats
Schwartz, N.B., Kling A. - 1964
Escape and grooming/rearing response by acoustic punishment in rats
Bolles, R.C., Seelbach S.E. - 1964
Social behavior of male rats
Grant, E.C. - 1963
Novel environment habituation in male and female rats
Woods, P.J. - 1962
Components of general activity: analysis of behavior - Review
Bindra, D. - 1961
Grooming in chaffinch birds
Rowell, C.H.F. - 1961
Novelty on exploratory activity, grooming and freezing in rats
Bindra, D., Spinner N. - 1960
Grooming behavior in the rat
Bolles, R.C. - 1960
Grooming, freezing and emotionality in rats
Doyle, G., Yule E.P. - 1959
Emotional behavior of mice
Willingham, W.W. - 1956