Desipramine, fluoxetine and ketamine on brain c-fos expression and circadian sleep in rats: prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens role
Chang, C.H., Chen M.C., Lu J. - 2015
Intra-basolateral amygdala 5-HT1A antagonist on stress effects on passive avoidance consolidation and retrieval in rats
Sardari, M., Rezayof A., Zarrindast M.-R. - 2015
Grooming behavior expression on blood corticosterone and brain monoamine levels, exploratory activity, prepulse inhibition of stertle reflex, fear-potentiated startle expression and extinction in rats
Reimer, A.E., Ribeiro de Oliveira, A., Diniz J.B., Hoexter M.Q., Chiavegatto S., Brandao M.L. - 2015
Ayahuasca infusion exposure on amygdala, hippocampus and dorsal raphe nucleus c-fos expression, food consumption, exploratory activity and response to stress in rats
Pic-Taylor, A., Gueiros da Motta L., Alves de Morais J., Melo W. Jr., de Fatima Andrade Santos A., Campos L.A., Mortari M.R., von Zuben M.V., Caldas E.D. - 2015
Voluntary exercise and stress on brain dopamine/serotonin levels, feeding, social interaction and response to stress in mice
Otsuka, A., Shiuchi T., Chikahisa S., Shimizu N., Sei H. - 2015
Prenatal antidepressant escitalopram on concurrent stress effects on exploratory activity, object recognition, social interaction and basolateral amygdala gene expression in adolescent and adult female rat offspring
Ehrlich, D.E., Neigh G.N., Bourke C.H., Nemeth C.L., Hazra R., Ryan S.J., Rowson S., Jairam N., Sholar C.A., Rainnie D.G., Stowe Z.N., Owens M.J. - 2015
CB2 receptor modulation of locomotion, exploration, social and aggressive behaviors in mice: amygdala and dorsal raphe nuclei 5-hydroxytryptamine/catechol-o-methyltransferase/monoamine oxidase-A expression study
Rodriguez-Arias, M., Navarrete F., Blanco-Gandia M.C., Arenas M.C., Aguilar M.A., Bartoll-Andres A., Valverde O., Minarrro J., Manzanares J. - 2015
Spinosin on exploratory activity in mice: serotonergic and GABAergic modulation
Liu, J., Zhai W.-M., Yang Y.-X., Shi J.-L., Liu Q.-T., Liu G.-L., Fang N., Li J., Guo J.-Y. - 2015
Antioxidant 2-phenylethynyl butyltellurium on exploratory activity and neophobia in mice: serotonergic modulation
Quines, C.B., Da Rocha J.T., Sampaio T.B., Peasrico A.P., Neto J.S.S., Zeni G., Nogueira C.W. - 2015
Interleukin-1 and diazepam on exploratory activity, hippocampal dopamine/serotonin and glucocorticoid receptor expression in mice of different ages
Wakabayashi, C., Numakawa T., Odaka H., Ooshima Y., Kiyama Y., Manabe T., Kunugi H., Iwakura Y. - 2015
Free-exploratory paradigm to trait anxiety in male rats: pharmacological validation - Methods
Almeida-Souza, T.H., Goes T.C., Teixeira-Silva F. - 2015
Unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine medial forebrain bundle lesions on exploratory activity in rats: serotonergic modulation
Hui, Y.P., Wang T., Han L.N., Li L.B., Sun Y.N., Liu J., Qiao H.F., Zhang Q.J. - 2015
Unilateral 6-idroxydopamine medial forebrain bundle lesion and intra-medial septum-diagonal band of Broca 5-HT2A agonist on hippocampal theta rhythm, hippocampal, cortical, striatal and septal dopamine levels, spoatial learning and exploratory activity in rats
Li, L.-B., Zhang L., Sun Y.-N., Han L.-N., Wu Z.-H., Zhang Q.-J., Liu J. - 2015
Medial forebrain bundle stimulation on stress-induced sucrose preference, response to stress and brain 5-HT/c-fos expression impairment in unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine medial forebrain bundle lesioned rats
Furlanetti, L.L., Coenen V.A., Aranda I.A., Dobrossy M.D. - 2015
Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor and L-DOPA on motor behavior and striatal, nigral dopamine/serotonin expression of unilateral intra-medial forebrain bundle 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned and control rats
Czarnecka, A., Konieczny J., Lenda T., Lorenc-Koci E. - 2015
Rolipram on olfactory bulbectomy effects on exploratory activity, neophobia, response to stress and oxidative stress response in rats: antidepressant effects extimation
Jindal, A., Mahesh R., Bhatt S. - 2015
Fluoxetine on plasma corticosterone, feeding, hypothalamic vasopresssin and corticotropin-releasing factor and exploration, grooming and rearing in adolescent rats
Gomez, F., Venero C., Viveros M.-P., Garcia-Garcia L. - 2015
Prenatal stress on response to stress and exploratory activity in mouse offsprings: serotonergic system involvement
Miyagawa, K., Tsuji M., Ishii D., Takeda K., Takeda H. - 2015
Glycoprotein Gpm6b on locomotion/exploration, prepulse inhibition of startle reflex, social interaction, response to stress, object recognition and Morris water maze performance in male and female mice: serotonergic modulation
Dere, E., Winkler D., Ritter C., Ronnenberg A., Poggi G., Patzig J., Gernert M., Muller C., Nave K.-A., Ehrenreich H., Werner H.B. - 2015
Intra-hippocampal 5-HT4 agonists, anatagonists and NMDA antagonists on passive avoidance consolidation and locomotion/exploration in mice
Nasehi, M., Tabatabaie M., Khakpai F., Zarrindast M.-R. - 2015
Nitric oxide and serotonergic interaction in exploratory activity of zebrafish
Maximino, C., Lima M.G., de Jesus Oliveira Batista E., Matos Oliveira K.R.H., Herculano A.M. - 2015
Fluvoxamine on early-stress effects on neuron plasticity, exploratory activity, response to stress in rats
Lyttle, K., Ohmura Y., Konno K., Yoshida T., Izumi T., Watanabe M., Yoshioka M. - 2015
Stress and fluoxetine on hippocampal mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 1 mRNA and DNA methylation and exploratory activity in rats
Wang, C.-H., Zhang X.-L., Li Y., Wang G.-D., Wang X.-K., Dong J., Ning Q.-F. - 2015
Systemic anabolic androgenic steroids exposure and intra-lateral anterio hypothalamic 5-HT3 agonists on aggressive behavior and exploratory activity in hamsters: brain 5-HT3 receptor modulation
Morrison, T.R., Ricci L.A., Melloni R.H. Jr. - 2015
Corticosterone and fluoxetine on hippocampal and cortical brain derived neurotrophic factor and Nrf2-transcription factor levels, neophobia and exploratory activity in mice
Mendez-David, I., Tritschler L., Ali Z.E., Damiens M.-H., Pallardy M., David D.J., Kerdine-Romer S., Gardier A.M. - 2015
"Visible burrow system" and social stress studies in rodents - Review
McEwen, B.S., McKittrick C.R., Tamashiro K.L.K., Sakai R.R. - 2015
Vartioxetine and fluoxetine on hippocampal plasticity, response to stress, exploratory activity, novel object place/recognition, social preference in mice of different age
Li, Y., Abdourahman A., Tamm J.A., Pehrson A.L., Sanchez C., Gulinello M. - 2015
Exploratory activity and response to fluoxetine in same-sex preference male rats
Garcia-Cardenas, N., Olvera-Hernandez S., Gomez-Quintanar B.N., Fernandez-Guasti A. - 2015
Quercetin and fluoxetine on locomotion/exploration, response to stress, grooming and oxidative stress parameters in olfactory bulbectomized and control mice
Holzmann, I., Mota da Silva L., Correa da Silva J.A., Bispo Steimbach V.M., de Souza M.M. - 2015
Stress on intra-infralimbic cortex cannabidiol and/or 5-HT1A antagonists effects on exploratory activity and fear conditioning in rats
Marinho, A.L:Z., Vila-Verde C., Fogaca M.V., Guimaraes F.S. - 2015