Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor on visual and spatial discrimination learning and choline acetyltransferase activity in rats
Tobin, J.R., Gorman L.K., Baxter M.G., Traystman R.J. - 1995
β-adrenergic and muscarinic receptors on working and reference memory in rats
Kobayashi, M., Ohno M., Yamamoto T., Watanabe S. - 1995
Intra-septal and intra-amygdaloid β-endorphin on spatial alternation in rats
Wan, R.Q., Givens B.S., Olton D.S. - 1995
Hippocampal and non hippocampal contributions to place learning in rats
McDonald, R.J., White N.M. - 1995
Septal and amygdaloid lesions on memory, arousal, stress and locomotion in rats
Decker, M.W., Curzon P., Brioni J.D. - 1995
Intracerebrally released vasopressin and oxytocin - Review
Landgraf, R. - 1995
Scopolamine infusion into anterior or posterior cingulate cortex on passive avoidance and water maze in rats
Riekkinen, P. Jr., Kuitunen J., Riekkinen M. - 1995
Capsaicin neonatally treated rats: effects on spatial and active avoidance tasks
Carobi, C., Garinei G. - 1995
Metabotropic glutamate receptors in spatial and non-spatial learning in rats
Riedel, G., Wetzel W., Reymann K.G. - 1995
Entorhinal-perirhinal lesions in place navigation in rats
Nagahara, A.H., Otto T., Gallagher M. - 1995
Hippocampal lesions and realtional object association learning in rats
Cho, Y.H., Kesner R.P. - 1995
Temporal-hippocampal region lesions on visual discrimination task learning and retention in rats
Myhrer, T., Johannesen T.S. - 1995
Fimbria-fornix lesions and conditioned spatial cues in rats
McDonald, R.J., White N.M. - 1995
Fimbria-fornix lesions on working memory in rats
Cassaday, H.J., Rawlins J.N.P. - 1995
Unilateral injury of posterior parietal cortex and spatial learning in rats
McDaniel, W.F., Via J.D., Smith J.S., Wells D.L., Fu J.J., Bishop J.F., Boyd P.A., Ledesma H.M. - 1995
Hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and parietal cortex on spatial discrimination in rats
Cho, Y.H., Kesner R.P., Brodale S. - 1995
Nitric oxide synthesing and fimbria-fornix lesions on spatial memory in rats
Mogensen, J., Wortwein G., Gustafson B., Ermens P. - 1995
Unilateral entorhinal cortex lesion and gangliside GM1 on water maze task in rats
Glasier, M.M., Sutton R.L., Stein D.G. - 1995
Acute and chronic ablation of cholinergic septo-hippocampal pathway on radial 8-arm maze in rats
Stackman, R.W., Walsh T.J. - 1995
Spatial and non-spatial learning on locus coeruleus lesions in rats
Compton, D.M., Dietrich K.L., Smith J.S., Davis B.K. - 1995
Medial prefrontalcortex, cingulate cortex and cingulum bundle lesions on spatial memory in rats
Aggleton, J.P., Neave N., Nagle S., Sahgal A. - 1995
Protein kinase C and hippocampus on spatial and cued discrimination in rats
Golski, S., Olds J.L., Mishkin M., Olton D.S., Alkon D.L. - 1995
Fimbria-fornix and hippocampla lesions on place learning and circadian activity in rats
Whishaw, I.Q., Jarrad L.E. - 1995
Fimbria-fornix lesions on place navigation in the rat
Whishaw, I.Q., Cassel J.C., Jarrard L.E. - 1995
Spatial learning and dorsal hippocampus in rats
Moser, M.-B., Moser E.I., Forrest E., Andersen P., Morris R.G.M. - 1995
Perirhinal, fornix and septum lesions on discrimination task in rats
Wiig, K.A., Booth S.J., Liu P., Cooper L., Bilkey D.K. - 1995
Perirhinal cortex lesions on object and place discrimination in rats
Astur, R.S., Mumby D.G., Sutherland R.J. - 1995
Kainic and ibotenic hippocampal lesions on spatial learning in rats
Alvarado, M.C., Rudy J.W. - 1995
Scopolamine and p-chloroamphetamine on spatial working memory in rats
Santucci, A.C., Moody E., Demetriades J. - 1995
Glucose attenuation of atropine-induced deficit in REM sleep and memory in the rat
Stone, W.S., Rudd R.J., Gold P.E. - 1995