Anterior and posterior visual cortex lesions on conditioned taste aversion and spatial learning in rats
Nerad, L., Ramirez-Amaya V., Ormsby C.E., Bermudez-Rattoni F. - 1996
Retrograde and anterograde amnesia by peririhinal cortex lesions in rats
Myhrer, T., Wangen K. - 1996
Nucleus accumbens and forebrain cholinergic system lesions on spatial navigation in rats
Grigoryan, G., Hodges H., Mitchell S., Sinden J.D., Gray J.A. - 1996
Meso-hippocampal dopaminergic system lesions on spatial memory in rats
Gasbarri, A., Sulli A., Innocenzi R., Pacitti C., Brioni J.D. - 1996
Thalamus, frontal cortex and hippocampus lesions on rats place memory
Young, H.L., Stevens A.A., Converse E., Mair R.G. - 1996
Dorsal, ventral hippocampus and parietal cortex lesions on allocentric memory in the rat
Long, J.M., Kesner R.P. - 1996
Prelimbic cortex lesions and spatial memory in the rat
Delatour, B., Gisquet-Verrier P. - 1996
Perirhinal cortex and fimbria-fornix in "object in place" memory of the monkeys
Gaffan, D., Parker A. - 1996
Cerebral ischemia and hippocampal cell loss - Review
Bachevalier, J., Meunier M. - 1996
Unilateral cortical lesions and allocentric spatial localization in rats
Soblosky, J.S., Tabor S.L., Matthews M.A., Davidson J.F., Chorney D.A., Carey M.E. - 1996
Dorso-medial thalamic lesions and alternation task amnesia in rats
Peinado-Manzano, M.A., Pozo-Garcia R. - 1996
Cingulum bundle and cortex lesions on spatial working memory in rats
Neave, N., Nagle S., Sahgal A., Aggleton J.P. - 1996
Hippocampal lesions and spatial memory in monkeys
Baylis, G.C., Moore B.O. - 1996
Hippocampus and parietal role in spatial novelty in the C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice
Thinus-Blanc, C., Save E., Rossi-Arnaud C., Tozzi A., Ammassari-Teule M. - 1996
Hippocampus of mouse and rat: gene expression and spatial memory
McNamara, R.K., Namgung U., Routtenberg A. - 1996
Scopolamine amnesia in 8 and 16 month-old rats
Biggan, S.L., Ingles J.L., Beninger R.J. - 1996
Metrifonate on avoidance and Morris water maze in young and aged rats
Van der Staay, F.J., Hinz V.C., Schmidt B.H. - 1996
Intraventricular nicotinic antagonist on spatial memory in rats
Curzon, P., Brioni J.D., Decker M.W. - 1996
NMDA and muscarinic antagonists on water maze acquisition in rats: non-spatial pretraining effects
Saucier, D., Hargreaves E.L., Boon F., Vanderwolf C.H., Cain D.P. - 1996
Hippocampal glutamate and NMDA receptor blockade on working memory
Ohno, M., Watanabe S. - 1996
Ethanol memory impairment and neurosteroids in mice
Melchior, C.L., Ritzmann R.F. - 1996
Comparative analysis of spatial memory processes - Review
Benhamou, S., Poucet B. - 1996
T-maze learning deficit induced by quinolinic acid infusion in rats: protection by NMDA antagonists
Misztal, M., Frankiewicz T., Parson C.G., Danysz W. - 1996
Metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist on phosphoinositide hydrolysis in hippocampus of rats
DeBruin, J.P.C., Facchinetti F., Toth E., Balazs R., Joosten R.N.J.M.A. - 1996
β-carbolines on spatial working memory in rats and monkeys
Murphy, B.L., Arnsten A.F.T., Goldman-Rakic P.S., Roth R.H. - 1996
Corticosterone and sodium azide induce spatial learning deficit and cytochrome oxidase inhibition in rats
Bennett, M.C., Mlady G.W., Fleshner M., Rose G.M. - 1996
5-HT agonists on novel water maze learning in rats
Kant, G.J., Meininger G.R., Maughan K.R., Wright W.L., Robinson T.N., Neely T.M. - 1996
Use of foraging trials by Norway rats
Galef, B.G., Buckley L.L. - 1996
Hippocampus of rodents and spatial memory - Review
Eichenbaum, H. - 1996
Calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in hippocampus and spatial learning in rats
Tan, S.-E., Liang K.C. - 1996