Ventral hippocampal galanin on acetylcholine release and spatial learning in rats
Ogren, S.O., Kehr J., Schott F.A. - 1996
Medial septal cholinergic cells on spatial working and reference memory in rats
Shen, J., Barnes C.A., Wenk G.L., McNaughton B. - 1996
Linoleic and linolenic acid or tacrine in medial septum-lesioned rats on spatial, reference memory and passive avoidance learning
Riekkinen, P. Jr., Mettinger K.L., Karukin M., Riekkinen M. - 1996
Hippocampal cholinergic input on spatial learning in young and aged rats
Baxter, M.G., Gallagher M. - 1996
Oxotremorine in medial septal area on spatial memory in rats
Frick, K.M., Gorman L.K., Markowska A.L. - 1996
Cholinesterasi inhibitors antagonize scopolamine amnesia in radial maze in rats
Braida, D., Paladini E., Griffini P., Lamperti M., Maggi A., Sala M. - 1996
Lidocaine or α2-agonist/antagonist into prefrontal cortex on delayed alternation of aged rats
Tanila, H., Rama P., Carlson S. - 1996
α1 agonist and antagonist on scopolamine-induced impairment of passive avoidance and spatial navigation in rats
Puumala, T., Sirvio J., Routsalainen S., Riekkinen P. - 1996
Septal noradrenergic blockade on anxiety and spatial working memory in mice
Bellotti, M., Galey D. - 1996
Basolateral amygdala lesions block glucocorticoid-infuced modulation of spatial learning in rats
Roozendaal, B., Portillo-Marquez G., McGaugh J.L. - 1996
Entorhinal cortex lesions on spatial discrimination memory in rats
Cho, Y.H., Kesner R.P. - 1996
Antioxidant and angiotensin IV on ischemic impairment in avoidance and spatial learning in rats
Wright, J.W., Clemens J.A., Panetta J.A., Smalstig E.B., Weatherly L.A.S., Kramar E.A., Pederson E.S., Mungall B.H., Harding J.W. - 1996
Tiazolam and diazepam on water maze memorization in rats
Kant, G.J., Wylie R.M., Vasilakis A.A., Ghosh S. - 1996
Behavioral laterality in T-maze, stress and habituation in rats
Santin, L.J., Begega A., Rubio S., Arias J.L. - 1996
Cellular correlates in rat hippocampus and exploration
Andersen, P., Moser E., Moser M.B., Trommald M. - 1996
Hippocampus as a path integration system - Review
McNaughton, B.L., Barnes C.A., Gerrard J.L., Gothard K., Jung M.W., Knierim J.J., Kudrimoti H., Qin Y., Skaggs W.E., Suster M., Weaver K.L. - 1996
Path integration in mammals and visual landmarks - Review
Etienne, A.S., Maurer R., Seguinot V. - 1996
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis and globus pallidus lesions on passive avoidance and spatial navigation in rats
Meyer, R.C., Coover G.D. - 1996
Stria terminalis lesions and glucocorticoids on passive avoidance and spatial memory in rats
Roozendaal, B., McGaugh J.L. - 1996
Metabotropic glutamate receptors in learning and memory - Review
Riedel, G. - 1996
Hippocampal lesions on avoidance and spatial learning in rats
Stubley-Weatherly, L.A., Harding J.W., Wright J.W. - 1996
Substantia innominata and globus pallidus lesions on avoidance and spatial learning in rats
Meyer, R.C., Coover G.D - 1996
Repetitive transient increases of hippocampal neural cell adhesion molecule after Morris water maze and passive avoidance in rats
Murphy, K.J., O'Connell A.W., Regan C.M. - 1996
Age-related memory impairment by nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions in the rat
Wenk, G.L., Stoehr J.D., Mobley S.L., Gurney J., Morris R.J. - 1996
Mammillary region and hippocampal lesions on rat's spatial learning
Sziklas, V., Petrides M., Leri F. - 1996
Associative parietal cortex lesions on spatial navigation in the rat
Save, E., Moghaddam M. - 1996
Nerve growth factor and cerebrolysin on fimbria-fornix transection spatial learning impairment in rats
Francis-Turner, L., Valouskova V. - 1996
Prefrontal cortex, working memory and spatial location in rats
Kesner, R.P., Hunt M.E., Williams J.M., Long J.M. - 1996
Anterior thalamic nuclei lesions and spatial memory in rats
Aggleton, J.P., Hunt P.R., Nagle S., Neave N. - 1996
Frontal cortical and thalamic lesions on spatial memory in rats
Harrison, L.M., Mair R.G. - 1996