Gerbil's aging and ischemia on spatial memory
Schwarts, C., Wishart T.B., Ijaz S., Shuaib A. - 1998
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in hippocampus and spatial learning in rats
Kesslak, J.P., So V., Choi J., Cotman C.W., Gomez-Pinilla F. - 1998
Pregnenolone in the hippocampus in aged rats
Baulieu, E.-E. - 1998
Nitric oxide production and rat's spatial memory
Zhang, S., Chen J., Wang S. - 1998
Cerebroventricular anisomycin administration on long-term spatial memory in rats
Meiri, N., Rosenblum K. - 1998
Spatial learning and fear conditioning in old rats
Oler, J.A., Markus E.J. - 1998
Estrogen on T-maze alternation; prevention of scopolamine amnesia
Fader, A.J., Hendricson A.W., Dohanich G.P. - 1998
Associative parietal cortex and spatial processing in rodents - Review
Thinus-Blanc, C., Save E., Poucet B. - 1998
Morphine into lateral or medial septum and spatial learning in mice
Cazala, P., Norena A., Le Merrer J., Galey D. - 1998
Platelet-activating factor into hippocampus on spatial memory in rats
Teather, L.A., Packard M.G., Bazan N.G. - 1998
Long-term potentiation and spatial memory in rats: role of potassium channels
Meiri, N., Sun M.-K., Segal Z., Alkon D. - 1998
Temporal and spatial information in working memory in humans
Halbig, T.D., Mecklinger A., Schrieferes H., Friederici A.D. - 1998
Allocentric and idothetic representations of space: rodent navigation
Bures, J., Fenton A.A., Kaminsky Y., Wesierska M., Zahalka A. - 1998
Hippocampus and Morris water maze - Review
Redish, A.D., Touretzky D.S. - 2002
Haloperidol and D-amphetamine on spatial cone field task performance in rats
Blokland, A., Honig W., Prickaerts J. - 1998
Place navigation during occlusion of one eye and ipsi- or contralateral blockade of hippocampus or visual cortex in rats
Turner, L.F., Liu Z., Bures J. - 1997
Hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens lidocaine inactivation on spatial memory in rats
Floresco, S.B., Seamans J.K., Phillips A.G. - 1997
Selective cholinergic septo-hippocampal projection lesions on spatial working memory in rats
McMahan, R.W., Sobel T.J., Baxter M.G. - 1997
Serotonin and acetylcholine systems in hippocampus and spatial learning in rats
Matsukawa, M., Ogawa M., Nakadate K., Maeshima T., Ichitani Y., Kawai N., Okado N. - 1997
Cholinomimetic agent on scopolamine amnesia in rats
M'Harzi, M., Willig F., Gieules C., Palou A.-M., Oberlander C., Barzaghi F. - 1997
Thalamic oscillations and attention in rats: α2-receptors
Puumala, T., Bjorklund M., Ruotsalainen S., Riekkinen M., Jakala P., Haapalinna A., Bjork E., Riekkinen P. Jr., Sirvio J. - 1997
α2-adrenergic antagonist on medial septal area-lesioned rats spatial memory
M'Harzi, M., Willig F., Bardelay C., Palou A.M., Oberlander C. - 1997
Glucocorticoid into the hippocampus and amygdala lesions on avoidance and spatial memory in rats
Roozendaal, B., McGaugh J.L. - 1997
Amygdala kindling on exploration and spatial learning in the rat
Cammisuli, S., Murphy M.P., Ikeda-Douglas C.J., Balkissoon V., Holsinger R.M.D., Head E., Michael M., Racine R.J., Milgram N.W. - 1997
Reconsolidation of memory after its reactivation in rats: NMDA receptor role
Przybyslawski, J., Sara S.J. - 1997
Chlordiazepoxide in supramammillary nucleus on hippocampal theta activity and spatial learning in rats
Pan, W.-X., McNaughton N. - 1997
Benzodiazepine and NMDA antagonist on water maze performance in rats
Keith, J.R., Galizio M. - 1997
Hippocampal and entorhinal lesions on exploration and spatial and contextual learning in rats
Good, M., Honey R.C. - 1997
Thalamic lateral internal medullary lamina and posterior nucleus lesions on learning and habituation in rats
Savage, L.M., Sweet A.J., Castillo R., Langlais P.J. - 1997
Reversible antisense inhibition of potassium channel expression on memory in rats and mice
Meiri, N., Ghelardini C., Tesco G., Galeotti N., Dahl D., Tomsic D., Cavallaro S., Quattrone A., Capaccioli S., Bartolini A., Alkon D.L. - 1997